tmbo / questionary

Python library to build pretty command line user prompts ✨Easy to use multi-select lists, confirmations, free text prompts ...
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Update prompt_toolkit to be compatible with ipython #344

Open FantasqueX opened 6 months ago

FantasqueX commented 6 months ago


Hi, thanks for this wonderful library. My issue when using questionary is that the latest questionary requires prompt_toolkit<=3.0.36 while another popular tool ipython requires prompt_toolkit>=3.0.41 Because of pip's terrible dependency management, I cannot make questionary and ipython be both happy.

I saw you referred to an issue, however it's not convenient to reproduce with a not well-maintained library(jellex). I wonder whether you can check 3.0.42 prompt_toolkit is compatible with questionary or provide a small reproducible code with questionary. Thank you.

What have you already tried?

Took a look at

Read the documentation

gsakkis commented 6 months ago

I also ran into this with ipython.

Because of pip's terrible dependency management, I cannot make questionary and ipython be both happy.

What terrible dependency management? There are two packages with conflicting requirements, what is pip (or any other dependency manager) supposed to do other than error out mentioning the conflict?

kiancross commented 6 months ago

I've marked this as an enhancement. Happy to review any PRs for this.

florian6973 commented 3 months ago

Also faced this issue. Would be very much appreciated :)

Em1lyK commented 3 months ago

I'm facing this issue as well

tosilswc commented 1 month ago

PLEASE merge FantasqueX fork into the official repository, the dependency issue is fixed by substituting the official package with the fork.

danieltomasz commented 3 weeks ago

This might be related