tobias-richter / ansible-tasmota

Ansible Role for managing tasmota devices with tasmota commands
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 12 forks source link
ansible ansible-role tasmota

Ansible Galaxy Build Status


This role allows you to configure tasmota devices by executing commands.

:bulb: See for a command list.

This role/action_plugin will send commands to a tasmota device using web requests. It will perform the following steps for each provided command,value pair in the tasmota_commands:


This role requires some python requirements to be installed.

pip install -r requirements.txt


fact gathering

You have to disable fact gathering using gather_facts: no because tasmota devices are currently not supported by the facts module.

changed reporting

Some commands like SetOption are accepting int values, like 0 or 1 but are returning on or off when queried for the current status. This may cause wrong reported "changed" states. You are welcome to create a PR for adding support for uncovered commands.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with their default values:

    tasmota_user: '' 
    tasmota_password: ''
    tasmota_commands: []
    tasmota_mqtt_user: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_password: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_host: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_port: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_client: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_topic: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_fulltopic: ''
    tasmota_mqtt_no_log: true

If tasmota_user and tasmota password are both non-empty, they will be included in the commands to authenticate access.

If any of the mqtt configuration values is set, a single Backlog command will be issued automatically after running the commands.

Tasmota commands contains list of tasmota commands to be executed. Each tasmota_command is defined as:

- command: <COMMAND>
  value: <VALUE>



    # set TelePeriod to 10 seconds
  - command: TelePeriod
    value: 10

    # extend TelePeriod to 3600 seconds when switch is turned off, set do default when switch is turned on
  - command: Rule1
    value: "on Power1#state=0 do TelePeriod 3600 endon on Power1#state=1 do TelePeriod 1 endon"

    # enable Rule1
  - command: Rule1
    value: 1

    # enable one shot for Rule1
  - command: Rule1
    value: 5

    # set and enable template (not that template is not a string)
  - command: Template
    value: {NAME: FooModule, GPIO: [1,2272,1,2304,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0], FLAG: 0, BASE: 54}
  - command: Module
    value: 0 # Template

    # configure multiple TuyaMCU Functions (repeat for each fnId,dpId pair)
  - command: TuyaMCU
    value: 11,10
  - command: TuyaMCU
    value: 12,13

    # make sure that TuyaMCU fnId is disabled or missing
  - command: TuyaMCU
    value: 11,0

    # Configure Timer16 to trigger a Rule once a day at 06:00 (+-0:05) to restart the device
  - command: Timer16
    value: '{"Enable":1,"Time":"06:00","Window":5,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":3, "Mode":0}'
  - command: Rule3
    value: "on Clock#Timer=16 do Restart 1 endon"
  - command: Rule3
    value: 1
  - command: Timers
    value: 1

    # Example for no_log
  - command: MqttPassword
    value: MySafePassword
    no_log: True


To avoid specifying tasmota_commands for each host using host_vars you can use a construct similar to this:

# commands for all instances
  # set custom NtpServer
  - command: NtpServer1
  - command: LedState
    value: 0      

# specific commands 
    - command: FriendlyName1
      value: TV

    - command: FriendlyName1
      value: HiFi

tasmota_commands: "{{ default_tasmota_commands | union(specific_tasmota_commands[inventory_hostname] | default([])) }}"


Sets the TelePeriod to 10 seconds to all devices specified in the tasmota host group.

- hosts: tasmota_devices  
  # disable fact gathering since this is currently not possible on tasmota devices  
  gather_facts: no
        - command: TelePeriod
          value: 10
    - tobias_richter.tasmota


Apache 2.0