tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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Hex in stylesheet breaks upload (content: '\2190\00a0';) #9

Open smortv opened 13 years ago

smortv commented 13 years ago

I was using FireFile with WordPress and it works great except with the default Twenty Ten theme. After some trial and error it looks like it's an issue with the code below, specifically the backspaces used for the hex.

.attachment .entry-content .nav-previous a:before { content: '\2190\00a0'; } .attachment .entry-content .nav-next a:after { content: '\00a0\2192'; }

timosnysder commented 13 years ago

genauso mit slash: #xxx { content: '\2190\00a0'; }

PeterKnight commented 13 years ago

With the twentyeleven theme there is a similar issue, namely with the content: '\2014'; attribute