tolgahanuzun / Utopmod

Telegram id : @Utopmod_bot
MIT License
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Utopmod telegram bot #4

Open ivannewgate89 opened 6 years ago

ivannewgate89 commented 6 years ago

hi, tolgahanuzun I want to participate in the project of making Utopmod logo bot telegram, thanks

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

Hi, thank you. You can join. Is there a question you want to ask? I can answer from here. @ivannewgate89

ivannewgate89 commented 6 years ago

what logo do you want like this? dfsdfadsfasdfa, or you want to add more, thanks

tolgahanuzun commented 6 years ago

Maybe, I'll do the evaluations on the last day. Technically, I can answer if you have questions. Thank you.

ivannewgate89 commented 6 years ago

forgive me, maybe my way is wrong, i should not ask this, i will strive for the best, regards my respect