tomasr / viasfora

A Visual Studio Extension containing miscellaneous improvements to the editor.
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Control Flow Keyword highlighting not working in VS 2019 RC.1 #268

Closed asser-dk closed 5 years ago

asser-dk commented 5 years ago

Was testing out VS 2019 and noticed that the control flow keyword highlighting does not appear to be working.

The colours are persisted in Fonts and Colours from what I can tell and the settings are enabled in the Viasfora options section.

Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Preview Version Preview 4.1 SVC1

Viasfora Version 4.2.188

tomasr commented 5 years ago

Known issue.

It doesn't work because Visual Studio introduces it's own highlighting of Control Keywords for C# (they are handled by the Keyword - Control entry in Fonts and Colors).

asser-dk commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the clarification :)

tomasr commented 5 years ago

No problem, it's a good question. I'm still trying to decide if I want to "fix it" to go over the VS feature or leave it as is. So feedback would be appreciated :smile:

mzhukovs commented 5 years ago

I was just about to file this one as well - it was working in VS2017 and in 2019 I am sure most people will think it broke as well when switching over because all of a sudden it stops! My 2 cents would be to override it since it's exposed as a feature in your [fantastic] extension. @tomasr