tommythorn / BeMicro-CV

A "hello world" style designs for the Cyclone V based $49 Arrow BeMicro CV
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bemicro-cv fpga

BeMicro CV "Hello World"

The BeMicro CV (originally) shipped with no design files. We try to compensate here with a collection of useful examples. Note, the LED pin assignment given in the documentation is wrong and corrected in these designs.

LEDs and serial communication

The first led_and_serial is the typical first Does-It-Work kind of design which runs a counter on the LEDs.

This also adds a small serial (RS232) input/output engine:

To use connect a USB BUB (or similar), RX to J1-1, TX to J1-2, GND to J1-12, and ensure that it's configured for 3.3 V signaling. Attach with a serial console (say, screen $TTY 115200, where TTY is /dev/tty.usbserial-something on MacOS and /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux). If everything is working, input should be echoed back, except each character is incremented ('a' -> 'b', etc.)

This is a silly design, but much more interesting things can be built on top of this.

NIOS II with support for the external DDR3 memory

The second design, nios_ddr3, comes curtesy of Guy Lemieux <> and illustrates how to instantiate the DDR3 controller and a NIOS II example.

Suggestions and contributions welcome.