tomthecarrot / arcore-for-all

Google ARCore (dev preview 1) for "unsupported" Android devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.04k stars 145 forks source link

Not working on nokia 6 #92

Open maxim-zolotov opened 6 years ago

maxim-zolotov commented 6 years ago

11-07 00:26:42.128 7050-7050/? I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 11-07 00:26:42.184 7050-7050/ W/System: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/ 11-07 00:26:42.224 7050-7050/ W/art: Before Android 4.1, method, android.content.res.ColorStateList,$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in 11-07 00:26:42.267 7050-7050/ E/SupportedDevices: Device calibration unavailable. Just kidding! ;) 11-07 00:26:42.292 7050-7050/ E/SupportedDevices: Device calibration unavailable. Just kidding! ;) 11-07 00:26:42.294 7050-7050/ I/TangoClientLibLoader: Pure Java path, not loading at all. 11-07 00:26:42.311 7050-7050/ D/ApplicationLoaders: ignored Vulkan layer search path /data/app/!/lib/arm64-v8a for namespace 0x7f865080f0 11-07 00:26:42.346 7050-7050/ I/ndk_camera: Starting native camera system initialization. 11-07 00:26:42.350 7050-7050/ D/ndk_camera: Camera 0 has 88 metadata tags 11-07 00:26:42.350 7050-7050/ E/ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1310721 11-07 00:26:42.350 7050-7050/ W/ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1310721 for camera 0 with error code -10004 11-07 00:26:42.350 7050-7050/ E/ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1638401 11-07 00:26:42.350 7050-7050/ W/ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1638401 for camera 0 with error code -10004 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ D/ndk_camera: Camera 1 has 88 metadata tags 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ E/ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1310721 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ W/ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1310721 for camera 1 with error code -10004 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ E/ACameraMetadata: getConstEntry: cannot find metadata tag 1638401 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ W/ndk_camera: Failed to get metadata tag 1638401 for camera 1 with error code -10004 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ I/ndk_camera: Camera system initialized successfully with 2 cameras. 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ W/tango_camera_native_jni: Camera system initilized. 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ E/tango_camera_native: 2 is not a valid camera index. 11-07 00:26:42.351 7050-7050/ E/tango_camera_native: 3 is not a valid camera index. 11-07 00:26:42.359 7050-7050/ I/tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching texture_window 0x7f82a55c10 11-07 00:26:42.360 7050-7050/ D/TangoVhs: about to bind as vhs 11-07 00:26:42.368 7050-7050/ D/TangoVhs: finished bind as vhs 11-07 00:26:42.388 7050-7050/ I/HAL: loaded HAL id=gralloc path=/system/lib64/hw/ hmi=0x7fdfe132b0 handle=0x2c0a979e524d04c3 11-07 00:26:42.396 7050-7050/ D/TangoVhs: connected 11-07 00:26:42.397 7050-7099/ I/TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready 11-07 00:26:42.416 7050-7097/ I/Adreno: QUALCOMM build : 3b35bac, Ie23f154500 Build Date : 09/05/17 OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.04 Local Branch : Remote Branch : quic/gfx-adreno.lnx.1.0.r5-rel Remote Branch : NONE Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 11-07 00:26:42.423 7050-7097/ I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 11-07 00:26:42.423 7050-7097/ D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1 11-07 00:26:42.426 7050-7099/ I/tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject) 11-07 00:26:42.426 7050-7099/ I/tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0x7f82a58610 11-07 00:26:43.441 7050-7050/ I/Choreographer: Skipped 61 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. 11-07 00:26:46.049 7050-7055/ I/art: Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=29KB 11-07 00:26:46.050 7050-7055/ I/art: After code cache collection, code=25KB, data=27KB 11-07 00:26:46.050 7050-7055/ I/art: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB

peitaosu commented 6 years ago
Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page.
I/Choreographer: Skipped 43 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
D/TangoVhs: connected
I/TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready
W/System.err: android.os.DeadObjectException
W/System.err:     at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
W/System.err:     at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
W/System.err:     at$Stub$Proxy.getTrackingSurface(
W/System.err:     at
W/System.err:     at$
W/System.err:     at
I/tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject)
W/tango_camera_native_jni: tracking_surface == nullptr! Could break AR usecases
I/art: Do partial code cache collection, code=29KB, data=29KB
I/art: After code cache collection, code=25KB, data=26KB
I/art: Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
V/BoostFramework: mAcquireFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockAcquire(int,int[])
V/BoostFramework: mReleaseFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockRelease()
V/BoostFramework: mAcquireTouchFunc method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfLockAcquireTouch(android.view.MotionEvent,android.util.DisplayMetrics,int,int[])
V/BoostFramework: mIOPStart method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfIOPrefetchStart(int,java.lang.String)
V/BoostFramework: mIOPStop method = public int com.qualcomm.qti.Performance.perfIOPrefetchStop()
V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@68a42cf
D/TangoVhs: connected
I/TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready
I/tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject)
I/tango_camera_native_jni: Attaching tracking_window 0x7f8104ea10
Application terminated.

Different logs, looks like performance issue?