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Development of Token Distribution Bubble Diagram on TON blockchain #452

Open seriybeliy11 opened 7 months ago

seriybeliy11 commented 7 months ago


Develop a script for a Bubble Diagram to visualize token distribution on TON blockchain

Bounty Context

Why it's Important? An ideal solution to the prevalence of manipulation and dishonesty in cryptocurrency token distribution is to introduce an easy-to-understand indicator or dashboard. Therefore, the development of a Bubble Diagram script to analyze token distributions on the TON blockchain is vital. This will help in identifying manipulative trends, spotting concentration of tokens, and authenticating DAOs. This, as a result, empowers users to conduct their own research more efficiently and reliably.

Problem showcase Users often fall victim to scams and dishonest schemes covered by words like decentralization and smart contracts in the world of cryptocurrency. Manipulation of NFT, concentration of interchangeable tokens, and fake DAOs are common issues. The average user often lacks the time and resources to conduct thorough research on tokens. Therefore, there's a need for a solution that will help users understand the token distribution and ecosystem more transparently and efficiently.

Potential Solution The solution is to develop a script that will generate a bubble diagram of the top 100 wallets by balance for any token in the TON blockchain. This bubble diagram will function as an indicator or dashboard, providing quick and easy access to information about token distribution. With this solution, manipulation, token concentration, and fake DAOs will be immediately visible, hence, increasing transparency and efficiency of user research.

Defenition of Done

Time: 2 weeks


No similar solutions found. This is a novel idea proposed for implementation on the TON blockchain.


🪄 Created with the help of TON Bounties Creator Bot.

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago


After careful consideration, we have decided to use D3.js for creating the bubble diagram, React for building the user interface, Python for data processing and handling requests, Redis for caching data, and Express for building the backend API.

Using these technologies will enable us to create an efficient and scalable solution that meets your requirements. We are confident that this stack will help us deliver a high-quality product within the given timeframe.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns regarding our technology choices

@delovoyhomie can we confirm the request?

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago


Hey there!

It seems there is no such tool yet, we will make it based on our past joint project, which will increase stability

Can you confirm?

delovoyhomie commented 6 months ago

@seriybeliy11, please wait for my voluminous response on this bounty. I really appreciate your involvement

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago

@delovoyhomie Hi, thanks for responding to my requests, appreciate your time and attention!

is there anything we can do about that?

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago


What it will look like (what is the final form):

The final form is an interactive bubble diagram that will display the top 100 wallets with the highest balance of any token on the TON blockchain. The diagram will provide a visual representation of the token distribution, where each bubble represents a wallet and its size corresponds to the balance of tokens in that wallet.

Why it's needed:

This tool is needed to increase transparency and efficiency in user research regarding token distribution on the TON blockchain. With the bubble diagram, users will be able to quickly and easily identify manipulation trends, token concentration, and DAO authenticity.

Who we're making it for:

We are developing this tool for users of the TON blockchain who are interested in transparently and efficiently investigating token distribution. It can be useful for both individuals and companies who want to gain a deeper understanding of the TON token ecosystem. In addition, this tool can be useful for developers and researchers who are working on projects on the TON blockchain.

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago


It is difficult for the user to navigate when investing in any token. And since the network is constantly growing, the number of projects is also growing. Determining the most liquid ones is an indicator of transparency for investors. Using bubble charts is a simple approach that can save a huge amount of time when making decisions.

Also + the fact that we have already created such a project, that back-end part has shown itself to be effective.

seriybeliy11 commented 6 months ago


would you approve of our initiative?

seriybeliy11 commented 5 months ago


👀What do you think about this initiative?

vladignatyev commented 3 months ago

Please excuse me if I'm too late entering the discussion. I'm just a regular user and newbie developer in TON ecosystem though. I hope you'll consider my concern about the usage of Bubble Diagrams.

In the data viz world, and from UX perspective, Bubble Diagrams have a number of pitfalls when it comes to representing a disproportionate distribution of any of data, including the token distribution. (I will post here some relevant links if asked).

It is much easier to visualize a skewness, the quantitative metric of disproportion, as it is a basic number.

Also, worth noting that the Bubble Diagram should be implemented the way where token distribution is proportional to the area of a bubble, not to the diameter/radius as it will make visually more clear a proportion of such skew in distribution.