Open TycheGames opened 6 months ago
same issue...
same issue also
same issue. Unhandled promise rejection: LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : Failed to unpack account state
Same issue LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted
same issue also...
same issue also
I got the same issue while trying to send a transaction using the testnet RPC
and @ton/ton
package for JS
hi, when i execute: npx blueprint run: data: { ok: false, error: 'LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted\n' + 'Cannot run message on account: inbound external message rejected by transaction 16651A45C1A677E97C369638C01BD1FBD96F9B7E853018E046E01651B3B4551D:\n' + 'exitcode=0, steps=0, gas_used=0', code: 500 }
Hello, everyone I can't send any message and I got this error data: { ok: false, error: 'LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : Failed to unpack account state', code: 500 }
i've same error:
[Deployer] deployNft error LITE_SERVER_UNKNOWN: cannot apply external message to current state : External message was not accepted Cannot run message on account: inbound external message rejected by transaction 'transaction id': exitcode=33, steps=23, gas_used=0
Team no working ?
I have the same issue, using @ton/ton. Could it be because of the library ? Or node fault ?
Проверьте версию кошелька(и ту ли бибилиотеку вы вызываете) и наличие баланса
same issue also
please help me
please tell me more detail
please tell me more detail
as far as I remember, I had a problem that I was calling the library version 4 (you can check it by prefix class 4 TonClient4), and as a consequence it couldn't read the data correctly
check your wallet version via tonview as on the screenshot.
if everything is correct, make sure that the balance is enough to fulfill the contract deployment.
If text above did not help you, please provide your deployment code here
Thank you for you reply.
const tonweb = new TonWeb(new TonWeb.HttpProvider(
'', {
apiKey: 'f682a7fc556fed6b126.....'
const destinationAddress = new TonWeb.Address('EQCq4b5hpMyEx8lt7JQeg0K_s9PEo7EEeuH7Tr1mnDrROPef');
const forwardPayload = new TonWeb.boc.Cell();
forwardPayload.bits.writeUint(0, 32);
forwardPayload.bits.writeString('Hello, Jetton');
const jettonTransferBody = new TonWeb.boc.Cell();
jettonTransferBody.bits.writeUint(0xf8a7ea5, 32);
jettonTransferBody.bits.writeUint(0, 64);
jettonTransferBody.bits.writeCoins(new TonWeb.utils.BN('1'));
const mnemonic = seedPhrase.join(' ');
const keyPair = await mnemonicToKeyPair(mnemonic!.split(' '));
const jettonWallet = new TonWeb.token.ft.JettonWallet(tonweb.provider, {
address: 'EQD5aKYul1ucC9KSmoYAdJ9lTGBvdN64ixASc039BNND45_K'
const wallet = new tonweb.wallet.all['v4R2'](tonweb.provider, {
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
wc: 0
const seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call()
await wallet.deploy(keyPair.secretKey).send();
await wallet.methods.transfer({
secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
toAddress: jettonWallet.address,
amount: tonweb.utils.toNano('0.01'),
seqno: seqno,
payload: jettonTransferBody,
sendMode: 3
I have the same issue, but I find the reason is my ton wallet not deployed.
Bug Type
Reproduction steps
deploy wallet
Actual result
Expected result
no error
Suggested Severity
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional Context
No response