tontof / kriss_feed

A simple and smart (or stupid) feed reader
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Hide feeds by default from "All Feeds" view? #399

Closed poVoq closed 6 years ago

poVoq commented 6 years ago

Would be nice if there was a per feed option in the "Edit feed" configuration to exclude it from the main listing and only have it accessible from the left hand menu?

Purpose: I have a high volume feed (job offers) that I would like to check easily in the same interface from time to time, but otherwise really fills up my daily reading list.


Edit: a similar functionality in the "Edit Folder" configuration would be awesome as well.

tontof commented 6 years ago

I understand the idea, but that's also a too specific case to integrate directly into KrISS feed (and also too complicate to add easily). For that kind of thing I suggest too use 2 instance of KrISS feed with one specific for job offers that update automatically using the cron option.

poVoq commented 6 years ago

Ok, that is a bit unfortunate, but thanks for explaining the difficulty in actually implementing it.

fpunktk commented 6 years ago

If I understand it correctly, then a simple solution might be to put the regular feeds (all except the ones that should not be listed in "All Feeds") in a "daily reading" folder. "job offers" go in a different folder. Then use "daily reading" instead of "All Feeds". Does it make sense?

poVoq commented 6 years ago

Yeah, makes sense, but then I can't have any sub-categories for my daily reading and the default view would still render all the links. Still, good idea, I hadn't really thought about that.

tontof commented 6 years ago

I don't know if it can help, but you can add several folders to a single feed. @fpunktk solution may be good if you keep your defined folders and add a specific one that groups all your wanted feeds except the "job offers" ones. You just have to bookmark your folder link so that it becomes your default view (if it's public, it will not be possible to display this folder as default: maybe with a htaccess file ?)

I don't know why but I did not receive @fpunktk reply by email?