topicquests / sensecraft

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Node refactorings #166

Open maparent opened 2 years ago

maparent commented 2 years ago

There are many valid node moves that involve intercalating a proposed node between published nodes. Most important use case: refactoring a con into a con-solution of a new question. Constraints as they exist would not allow putting a published node under an unpublished node. (Not even clear that they allow moving a published node.) (This could be made worse in a turn-based play, where two guilds would want to intercalate different, un-unifiable nodes!) Must think of a mechanism to enable this; possibly a "parent-flip" switch on the new node (which would then be put under the node which will become its child), or a "please make sibling X into my child upon publication" so the new node can be put directly in its proper position.