tortoise / tortoise-orm

Familiar asyncio ORM for python, built with relations in mind
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GIS support #70

Open arlyon opened 5 years ago

arlyon commented 5 years ago

Describe the solution you'd like

Really been enjoying using this so far, but I'm now in the need of GIS data. I'd be interested in developing PostGIS and Spatialite support, whether that be included in the base ORM or as an extension (as geoalchemy2 is to sqlalchemy). There is an extension to pypika called pypika-gis that would presumably do some of the heavy lifting, so I was wondering if I could get some pointers on how to get started?

Describe alternatives you've considered

I considered using sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy-aio, geoalchemy2, but it feels like a bit of a "hack" to run it in a separate thread.

abondar commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks you for using Tortoise, I am glad you like it.

Regarding GIS support there is set of problems that have to be conquered to make it real. First of all, I think that really should be separate project because it just brings much more to project and not all users would need it, and for some of them it would be confusing. Bad news is Tortoise currently not really extension ready, but I think we could make it so based on this case.

On connection level we would need to include Shapley as dependency and set custom decoder/encoder for asyncpg connection. Also we would need some flow for adding startup tasks to connections, so they would initialise custom decoders on connection startup or load some extensions.

On executor level - pypika-gis seems a little bit lacking to me, but I think we could at least try it. I think idiomatic way to implement all custom query functions would be to make new class for each function and do make them inherit from Q, so it will fit just fine in current code base and could be used in more complex OR statements. Those classes would override resolve_for_model to return matching criterion.

Hard thing would be to implement returning items in custom formats that are generated by some functions, not just plain geometry object. I think we could accomplish it only in .values and values_list because usual queries doesn't have any interface to change returned objects formats and I think it should stay this way.

So summing up, what have to be done: In extension:

In Tortoise:

With this I think it should implement support for postgis. Spatialite support seems less priority, so I think we shouldn't try implementing both of them simultaneously. Also, I am not really experienced with PostGIS so may be missing something crucial to implementation, so if you noticed that I am missing something crucial - feel free to add.

If you are solid on trying implementing it - you can implement extension and I would enhance Tortoise itself so it would be integratable

grigi commented 5 years ago

It would get a lot more testing if it is part of core, but it is likely to cause a lot of chaos if done as part of it at first... I think @abondar is right in requesting that it be done as a separate project at first. It might be worth it to do a throw-away fork, and then pull the relevant pieces in(edit)

I do find SQLite a great way to testing the gross concepts, as it is so easy to manipulate. So I would be interested in helping with it.

Re pypika-gis and maturity, it seems a very new project. We should contact @eduardogspereira and ask him what his plans are?

So I'll start with a list of questions?

Assumptions for change in Tortoise:

arlyon commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the responses good to get some conversation started. I think, given that extension support is limited, I'll fork it at and (like you mentioned) it can be drawn from later. Does that seem reasonable?

My use case is fairly simple, luckily, so it is a good target for a base to work from. This next data is checked against PostGIS, but Spatialite should be almost the same...

I haven't considered aggregations, but I'll think about what may be needed. If you are planning on improving aggregations anyway, maybe we can hold off on including that for now and implement it at the same time as tortoise-orm aggregations get some love.

One potential feature I haven't considered is the Geography type which is similar to geometry, but reasons in terms of the "round earth geometry system", and only has access to a limited subset of functions. I propose we leave it out for now too.

I think that I will, if you agree:

  1. Fork, and create the GeometryField
    • Define the type of geometry on the field (POINT or POLYGON for now)
    • Get / save the appropriate shapely object for the given field
    • Spatialite serializer / deserializer
  2. Add filtering for the functions above

Then, given everything goes well,

abondar commented 5 years ago

Well, seems all sane to me. Regarding using .annotate() for using functions - may be should stick to it too, so our API would be more predictable for new users.

mykolasolodukha commented 4 years ago

Hello all! Did someone work on this issue? I want to contribute but haven't found any fork/extension to start from.

arlyon commented 4 years ago

Hi. I did get a prototype working for use with a project at university, however I was never able to find the time to finish it. I revisited it this summer, but it is about 2 years old at this point and some 300 commits behind.

This was the project it was used in (a smart-bike booking system):

mykolasolodukha commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! I'll start working on that thing next week.

fullonic commented 3 years ago

hi @TrDex, have you done any progress on this issue? Thanks

mykolasolodukha commented 3 years ago

@fullonic unfortunately, I dropped this one and it's unlikely I'll pick it up again.

Sovetnikov commented 2 years ago

There is project that brings gis related fields into tortoise-orm for postgis