Closed xiaosongmao123 closed 3 years ago
@xiaosongmao123 Thank you for your good idea. I think it would be better if it had that function as well. I'll incorporate that idea.
i add mouse hove ,just like vscode , onhover-->Highlight ondrag-->Highlight
Maybe more eye-catching
onEnter: (_) {
setState(() => _gripColor = widget.gripColorActive);
onExit: (_) {
if (ondarg == false) setState(() => _gripColor = widget.gripColor);
full code
bool ondarg = false;
Widget _buildHorizontalView(BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints, double w) {
double left = constraints.maxWidth * w;
double right = constraints.maxWidth * (1.0 - w);
final double halfGripSize = widget.gripSize / 2.0;
if (widget.maxWidthSidebar != null && left > widget.maxWidthSidebar!) {
left = widget.maxWidthSidebar!;
right = constraints.maxWidth - widget.maxWidthSidebar!;
} else if (widget.minWidthSidebar != null && left < widget.minWidthSidebar!) {
left = widget.minWidthSidebar!;
right = constraints.maxWidth - widget.minWidthSidebar!;
return Stack(
children: <Widget>[
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: right + halfGripSize,
bottom: 0,
child: widget.view1,
top: 0,
left: left + halfGripSize,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
child: widget.view2,
top: 0,
left: left - halfGripSize,
right: right - halfGripSize,
bottom: 0,
child: MouseRegion(
onEnter: (_) {
setState(() => _gripColor = widget.gripColorActive);
onExit: (_) {
if (ondarg == false) setState(() => _gripColor = widget.gripColor);
cursor: SystemMouseCursors.resizeColumn,
child: GestureDetector(
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
onHorizontalDragDown: (details) {
ondarg = true;
_gripColor = widget.gripColorActive;
onHorizontalDragEnd: (details) {
ondarg = false;
setState(() => _gripColor = widget.gripColor);
onHorizontalDragUpdate: (detail) {
final RenderBox container = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
final pos = container.globalToLocal(detail.globalPosition);
if (pos.dx > widget.positionLimit && pos.dx < (container.size.width - widget.positionLimit)) {
weight.value = pos.dx / container.size.width;
child: Container(color: _gripColor),
@xiaosongmao123 Thank you for your suggestion. I forgot about the web. This is supported in version 2.1.1.
Thank you for your Time
I think the split_view it's getting better and I've used it in my projects
Please add a optional attribute gripColorActive
so when dragging the size,we can Highlight the gripbar
slipt_view.dart line:202
add onVerticalDragDown to change background color to gripColorActive (blue), add onVerticalDragEnd to recovery background color to gripColor (white),