tpemartin / econWish
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Contribute your card components #3

Open tpemartin opened 10 months ago

tpemartin commented 10 months ago

Set up

  1. Fork this repo and save the final branch in your local drive.
  2. Put your Card/ component folder under `src/components
  3. You Card component function must start with
    export default function Card2({ user }) {
     const { name, grade, imgSrc, wish, id } = user

    and its return jsx must have its first child element as:

    <div id={`${id}`}></div>


In src/App.jsx change

import Card2 from './components/Card2';


import Card2 from './components/{your card folder name}';

Then execute the app. If it properly functions, you can submit your app, but

And post your fork repo link and list your component folders.

tpemartin commented 10 months ago



linttttt commented 10 months ago


/Finalcard /Seal2

AndreiaMagalhaes commented 10 months ago



(link for the app: )

mirkorivas commented 10 months ago

Mirko (repo) /CardMirko (app link)

PS: Probably due to the huge amount of cards that are created, our apps were extremely slow when we were trying to modify them. We added an "if" to "const cards" (so that cards would only be created for complete users) because many of the users did not have all the necessary information (name, wish, image, ...).

//Make sure that all user (e) values aren't null, undefined, "" and " " `const cards =, i) => { if (!Object.values(e).includes(null) && !Object.values(e).includes(undefined) && !Object.values(e).includes('') && !Object.values(e).includes(' ')) { return (


If you encounter the same issue, then you could include those lines ✌️✌️ (it's in app.jsx --> function AppContent --> const cards)

tpemartin commented 10 months ago

Mirko (repo)

/CardMirko (app link)


Probably due to the huge amount of cards that are created, our apps were extremely slow when we were trying to modify them. We added an "if" to "const cards" (so that cards would only be created for complete users) because many of the users did not have all the necessary information (name, wish, image, ...).

//Make sure that all user (e) values aren't null, undefined, "" and " "

`const cards =, i) => { if (!Object.values(e).includes(null) && !Object.values(e).includes(undefined) && !Object.values(e).includes('') && !Object.values(e).includes(' ')) {

return (

<GalleryItem key={i}>

    <Card2 user={e} />





If you encounter the same issue, then you could include those lines ✌️✌️ (it's in app.jsx --> function AppContent --> const cards)

Hi Mirko, the problem is from my backend. I have fixed that. Glad you noticed the problem.