Closed TasseDo closed 9 months ago
Fixing would require adopting the use of the
options tojob_start()
. As a partial workaround, I've avoided callingenv
if there isn't a password.
I've gone ahead and done this.
Thanks a lot! Extremely appreciated
I'm stil getting this 'env' executable not found error while connecting to azure sql server. Can you please help me if someone has solved this issue. Appreciate the help.
This should be solved for everyone. For vanilla Vim, you'll need 8.2.0239 or newer.
Really Sorry, for not being descriptive. I'm new to vim and this is what i did. I'm using neovim and Lazy package manager: return { 'tpope/vim-dadbod', { 'kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-completion', ft = { 'sql', 'mssql' } }, 'kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui', } And i have updated my plugin from :Lazy and my connection is as follows: sqlserver://user1:password123$$$$ does having $ character in password needs to be escaped?
it keeps saying error connecting to db cutomerdb: Db 'env' executable not found.
Oh I see, there's a bug. Should be fixed now.
I get the error in title when trying to connect to a SQL Server database using :DB sqlserver:// and the UI, sqlcmd is available in path.
I've seen the previous issue #146, but I need to use a password in my case so I don't know if I'm missing something obvious or it's normal that it doesn't work?
Any pointers appreciated
OS: Windows 11 Editor: nvim v0.9.2