tposney / midi-qol

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Saving throws 0 for NPCs #169

Open tposney opened 3 years ago

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @havoclivekiller on Dec 12, 2020, 08:10

Sometimes the NPCs will fast save with 0. Don't know how to reproduce this problem, it seems to occur at random.

Someone's else screenshots image image

midi-qol.js:32 midi-qol | Token Tokenactor: Actor5e {_data: {…}, data: {…}, options: {…}, apps: {…}, compendium: null, …}alpha: 1bars: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}border: r {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}buttonMode: (...)children: (7) [r, r, e, PreciseText, e, e, r]controlIcon: nullcursor: "pointer"data: {_id: "loohgRezTSQlNy4c", flags: {…}, name: "Tramorn", displayName: 0, img: "", …}effects: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}filterArea: nullfilters: nullhitArea: e {x: 0, y: 0, width: 70, height: 70, type: 1}icon: r {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}interactive: trueisMask: falseisSprite: falselight: PointSource {illumination: e, coloration: e, active: false, darkness: false, limited: false, …}loadingRequest: falsemouseInteractionManager: MouseInteractionManager {object: Token, layer: e, permissions: {…}, callbacks: {…}, options: {…}, …}nameplate: PreciseText {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}parent: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}renderable: truescene: Scene {_data: {…}, data: {…}, options: {…}, apps: {…}, compendium: null, …}sortDirty: truesortableChildren: falsetarget: r {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}targeted: Set(1) {User}tempDisplayObjectParent: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}texture: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, noFrame: true, baseTexture: r, _frame: e, …}tooltip: e {_events: i, _eventsCount: 0, tempDisplayObjectParent: null, transform: t, alpha: 1, …}trackedPointers: (...)transform: t {worldTransform: t, localTransform: t, position: t, scale: t, pivot: t, …}visible: truevision: PointSource {illumination: e, coloration: e, active: false, darkness: false, limited: false, …}worldAlpha: 1_bounds: t {minX: Infinity, minY: Infinity, maxX: -Infinity, maxY: -Infinity, rect: null, …}_boundsID: 85673_boundsRect: null_controlled: false_destroyed: false_enabledFilters: null_events: i {mouseover: n, mouseout: n}_eventsCount: 2_hover: false_lastSortedIndex: 2_localBounds: t {minX: -16.5, minY: -16.5, maxX: 86.5, maxY: 86.5, rect: null, …}_localBoundsRect: e {x: -16.5, y: -16.5, width: 103, height: 103, type: 1}_mask: null_movement: null_noAnimate: false_sheet: null_trackedPointers: {}_validPosition: {x: 1470, y: 700}_velocity: {dx: -70, sx: -0.89734721, dy: 70, sy: 0.89734721}_zIndex: 0angle: (...)bounds: (...)brightRadius: (...)cacheAsBitmap: (...)center: (...)dimRadius: (...)emitsLight: (...)fov: (...)h: (...)hasActiveHUD: (...)hasLimitedVisionAngle: (...)hasSight: (...)height: (...)id: (...)inCombat: (...)isTargeted: (...)isVisible: (...)layer: (...)localTransform: (...)los: (...)mask: (...)name: (...)observer: (...)owner: (...)pivot: (...)position: (...)rotation: (...)scale: (...)sheet: (...)skew: (...)sourceId: (...)uuid: (...)w: (...)width: (...)worldTransform: (...)worldVisible: (...)x: (...)y: (...)zIndex: (...)_tempDisplayObjectParent: (...)proto: PlaceableObject could not roll save assuming 0 error @ midi-qol.js:32

tposney commented 3 years ago

Looking at the error messages two things are going on, the first is that a damage roll failed, not sure if that is the same roll sequence. The second error message is that the saving throw failed to roll. Is there anything special about the token that should be doing the save? Or is there some other token selected to save that for some reason can't do a save.

I did notice a bug in the code if one of the tokens did not have an actor but I don't think this is the case here, since there is just one token doing the save.

tposney commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @havoclivekiller on Dec 14, 2020, 01:59

I don't think there's something special about them. When I had this issue, these were normal monsters and there was a "lag" between the spell cast and the saving throw rolled. As if something lagged in midi-qol or before that.

I had this issue with various tokens. I still don't know how to reproduce this problem.