tracktwo / xcomsave

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can't figure how to use conveters #25

Open michael554466 opened 2 years ago

michael554466 commented 2 years ago

hello, I try to convert my save to edit, but I can't figure it out: C:\Users\micha\Desktop\Xcom 2\Save edit>xcom2json.exe save9 Error: unsupported version: 20

How do I do it please?

michael554466 commented 2 years ago

Using x2x - that uses this tool, it comes up with this:

C:\Users\micha\Desktop\Xcom 2\x2x\x2x\XcomSave>xcom2jsonOLD.exe save10 Error: Data does not appear to be an xcom save: expected file version 16 but got 20 Error (0x00000404): Failed to find compressed chunk header

tracktwo commented 2 years ago

Version 20 sounds like an XCOM 2 save, although I can't remember the version numbers used in 2, WotC, and CS. This tool only supports EU and EW, you can see here for the reason why.

GitRogal commented 1 year ago

Hi! :) I'v got problem with converter as well. I'm trying do execute command xcom2json but an error pop up (I'm using Visual Studio Community Edition). I've moved save file to editor location.


tracktwo commented 1 year ago

@GitRogal - The binary probably isn't in that directory, it'll be under a release or debug subdirectory depending on which configuration you built. Unless you're making local changes you can just download pre-built binaries from the releases tab and not have to build at all:

GitRogal commented 1 year ago

@GitRogal - The binary probably isn't in that directory, it'll be under a release or debug subdirectory depending on which configuration you built. Unless you're making local changes you can just download pre-built binaries from the releases tab and not have to build at all:

Works like a charm! Thanks a lot! :)