tradle / react-native-facetec-zoom

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Intergration for react-native-facetec-zoom after updating react-native to v0.60.5 #13

Open ahmadallo1 opened 4 years ago

ahmadallo1 commented 4 years ago

After updating react-native to v0.60.5 the app hang on a black screen only on IOS giving the following error is xcode Error: Undefined is not an object evaluating ('native.preload') while on android it's working properly.

Is it an issue with linking react-native-facetec-zoom on RN v0.60.5 or is there another issue?

any idea how can with fix this issue?

ahmadallo1 commented 4 years ago

@mvayngrib @jakubkoci @urbien @pgmemk

jakubkoci commented 4 years ago

I upgraded last week from 0.59.9 to 0.61.5 and had the same issue. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what change exactly solved it.

You can look at my fork and changes between fix/native-dependencies and customizations branches.

I also needed to update my project's Podfile (to create one to be precise, because I hadn't been using Cocoapods before):

source ''
  pod 'react-native-facetec-zoom', path: '../node_modules/react-native-facetec-zoom/ios', modular_headers: true

Notice I use use_frameworks! and use_native_modules!

ahmadallo1 commented 4 years ago

@jakubkoci did you faced the following issue when updating .podspec file [!] Unable to find a specification for ZoomAuthenticationHybrid depended upon by react-native-facetec-zoom

You have either:

Note: as of CocoaPods 1.0, pod repo update does not happen on pod install by default.