traefik / traefik

The Cloud Native Application Proxy
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Allow using Kubernetes Ingress resource as source to copy loadbalancer.status from. #11304

Open creosonic opened 5 days ago

creosonic commented 5 days ago


What did you expect to see?

Traefik can be configured to copy status from Service to Ingress resource using publishedService directive. It would also be very handy to have the possibility to copy status from another Ingress as well.

I would like to put AWS ALB in front of Traefik (instead of currently using NLB), but due to the fact that aws-load-balancer-controller uses the Ingress resource for ALB provision, I will lose the possibility to automatically update Ingress status with the actual load balancer URL, which, in turn, will disrupt the work of external-dns.

jspdown commented 2 days ago

Hey @creosonic,

Thanks for your proposal.

We are interested in this issue, but we’re unsure about the use case and the traction it will receive. We are going to leave the status as kind/proposal to give the community time to let us know if they would like this idea.

We will reevaluate as people respond.

Conversation is time-boxed to 6 months.