trainfarb / B.0.9-Onboarding-Platform

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Introduce Design Platform Documentation Website (S3 Agenda workBook) #22

Closed trainfarb closed 5 months ago

trainfarb commented 6 months ago

2024.04.01 Situation: Completed the sketches for the Onboarding Website Wireframes today. It was an iterative process where the final strategy became clear halfway through. Complication: It took a while to finalize the onboarding approach, so we don’t have time to work through the B.0.9.2 Documentation and B.0.9.3 Models. The priority is the B.0.9.2 Documentation Website so we can turn the sketches into an onboarding website for the community. Resolution: Creating the 3D Large Language Model will be delayed and rescheduled throughout the year as part of the recovery schedule, and our efforts will go into publishing the community onboarding website by 2024.04.06.

Recovery Schedule:

trainfarb commented 5 months ago

Design Platform Copy

Header Copy


Create header copy for the design platform page. Introduce that this is how people transform their management strategy into the research, drawings, and specifications that guide what the platform bring into the world. Make this 3 sentences.


Header Copy:

👷‍♀️🧰 Design Platform: Bridging Management & Creation 🌐

Translate your management strategy into concrete research, visualizations, and prescriptive directives. Merge leadership and artistic expression, crafting a blueprint for your platform's tangible impact. Trailblaze with intention, shaping the future one line at a time.


Translate your management strategy into concrete research, drawings, and specifications. Merge leadership and artistic expression to craft the blueprint for your platform's tangible impact.

Research Copy


Create copy for the research section of the design platform page. Explain how the platform logistics plan indicates what needs to be researched to design practical solutions for the community.


Research: Grounding Solutions in Practicality

Root your designs in reality with targeted research, informed by your platform's logistics plan. Identify pressing needs and pinpoint areas for enhancement, yielding practical answers for your eager community. Unearth treasures of applicable wisdom, fertile ground for sprouting tangible blessings.


Use your platform's logistics plan to guide your research strategy so your designs are rooted in reality. Identify pressing needs and pinpoint areas for enhancement, yielding practical answers for your eager community.

Drawings Copy


Create copy for the drawings section of the design platform page. Explain how the research turns into experimental drawings that become the foundation for the digital and physical brand identity for the platform.


Drawings: Illustrating Dreams in Fine Details

Bring research to life with expressive drawings, shaping your platform's visual identity. Lay the groundwork for digital and physical expressions, merging imagination with precision. Captivate hearts and inform senses, crafting a magnetic presence that engages and welcomes users.

Drawing Deep Connections:

  1. Root your sketches in authentic desires and aspirations.
  2. Blend aesthetics with functionality, delighting users and experts alike.
  3. Reinforce continuity across touchpoints, etching a memorable impression.


Bring research to life with expressive drawings, shaping your platform's visual identity. Lay the groundwork for digital and physical expressions, merging imagination with precision.

Specifications Copy


Create copy for the specifications section of the drawing platform page. Explain how the drawings get finalized as specifications that solidify the brand identity that removes confusion for the team and creates trust for customers.


Specifications: Solidifying Brand Identity Clarity

Polish your drawings into firm specifications, locking your brand identity into place. Eliminate uncertainty, cementing clarity within the team and reliability for cherished customers. Instill pride and cohesion, radiating professionalism and consistency in every aspect of your flourishing platform.

Specification Fundamentals:

  1. Secure typography choices, color palettes, and icon sets for steady recognition.
  2. Define layout rules for a unified look, from buttons to headers.
  3. Standardize motion and animation styles, for pleasing transitions and user comfort


Polish your drawings into firm specifications, locking your brand identity into place. Eliminate uncertainty and build trust with customers. Radiate professionalism and consistency in every aspect of your flourishing platform.

trainfarb commented 5 months ago

[tf] Add copy for Design Platform