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Collection Not Syncing Shows from 2018 #512

Open fjwolz19 opened 5 years ago

fjwolz19 commented 5 years ago

Collection Syncing is not working for any shows that started in 2018. All other shows are working fine, and the watched status is working fine for all shows, but with collection it is checking the show's year and not accepting 2018 apparently.

The plugin log states for all shows started in 2018:

2018-11-06 17:25:28,398 - plugin.sync.core.task.artifacts (35f8) : INFO (plugin.sync.core.task.artifacts:318) - Invalid "title" or "year" attribute on <u'Magnum P.I.' (None)>

rectifyer commented 5 years ago

I'm seeing this issue too and I think it is related to Plex not pulling in all the correct metadata for TV shows. I was using TVDB only and notice there was no "originally available" date for new shows, which made the year blank. Once I added in TMDB as a fallback metadata provider, it started correctly filling in the show's year.

I'll test a collection sync soon and hopefully this additional metadata will allow it to sync with Trakt correctly.

fjwolz19 commented 5 years ago

Thanks! That definitely helped for most of them, however, I still have a couple of shows that aren't working. Were you able to run the sync and see your results?

I see the field you are talking about on (First Aired), and confirm that for the ones that previously did not work and currently that is blank on the series page. Oddly it is not blank on the table in the search results page. That doesn't seem to be a field users can edit either; I might put something in their forums to ask about this. If that's the field, then it is getting that info from TMDB since most work even without that field filled. However, I don't see a field in TMDB that might match that, so I'm not sure if we could edit the field for the couple that still aren't working there.

Maybe we can compare if you have any that still aren't working and try to identify if there is a field I missed on TMDB. The ones I've identified still not working are: The Kids Are Alright Married At First Sight: Happily Ever After

Thanks for the help!!

rectifyer commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to update. Yeah, for me it did fix all the sync issues and all 2018 shows added to my collection correctly. I noticed on TVDB as well that isn't an editable field, so I'm not sure how they determine that field. I looked up those 2 shows you mentioned on TMDB, but nothing stands out as missing info over there. It is possible Plex has some logic on their side to determine this field. Once thing you can try is editing the show in Plex and manually typing in the "originally available" date to match 1x01, that might also fix it.

Ry5ter commented 5 years ago

Just to add my $0.02, this affects me too. Stuff I watch that started before this year is syncing over to Trakt fine, but all the new shows I've been watching this week (Origin, Titans, FBI, Purge, etc) are not coming over.

Example of log error: 2018-12-17 21:23:42,862 - plugin.sync.core.task.artifacts (26a4) : INFO (plugin.sync.core.task.artifacts:318) - Invalid "title" or "year" attribute on <u'Titans (2018)' (None)>

I've tried enabling The Movie Database as a second source for "Programmes" under theTVDB agent, then done a refresh metadata on the library, but watches of those shows still will not sync over. I'm at a loss. Is there any way we can add some validation to the scrobbler to handle missing "Originally Available" data?

Edit: Well that's proper weird. I took the show "Origin" as an example. On Plex, it's originally aired date was set at 1900-01-01 which it obviously got from one of the services. I manually changed that to 2018-11-14 (the date of episode 1) and now that show is syncing to Trakt. I don't want to have to go through every show released this year manually updating dates. Any further thoughts on a smarter way to handle this?

markkhk commented 5 years ago

I found that if I did a Fix Min Plex on a particular show the sync would happen correctly. On the new shows that weren't syncing properly I noticed that the overall show description was missing. If I used a new match (even with a lower % match) and the show description populated it would sync to Trakt.

icehavoc commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this post everyone. Ran into the same problem and the suggestion to add TMDB to TVDB worked great. My collection is finally updated and updating automatically again.