transpect / mathtype-extension

Calabash extension step to convert MathType OLE objects to MathML
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repair-subsup: count(node()) needs to be count(*) because of PIs #10

Closed gimsieke closed 6 years ago

gimsieke commented 6 years ago


<mi mathsize="100%" mathvariant="italic">a</mi>
<msub><?mtef2mml element nudge not supported in mathml. values dx: -244 dy: -256?>
   <mn mathvariant="normal">1</mn>

The mi element is not slurped into the msub element because the latter does not satisfy count(node())=1. (What is the nudge element anyway?) I will submit pull requests for XSpec and XSLT.

gimsieke commented 6 years ago

I inadvertently committed directly into the master branch, instead of creating a pull request.