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Consider genymotion emulator support for android builds #2585

Open takn opened 10 years ago

takn commented 10 years ago

Genymotion is a much better emulator than the vanilla emulators. Consider providing support for it.

BanzaiMan commented 10 years ago

Could you elaborate on what makes it "better"?

A third-party emulator support may sound great, but long-term product viability and our own support capability must be considered before making the decision.

krschultz commented 10 years ago

I agree that Genymotion is a great tool for developing code, and I use it instead of the official emulator for that purpose, but I don't think it makes sense for a CI environment.

Given infinite resources, sure Travis should add it. Considering that they have limited resources, I think there are more pressing problems.

nhaarman commented 10 years ago

Correctness is more important than speed for the CI server. The emulator is a pain locally because it is slow, but the difference in build time between Travis & local is not because of the emulator.

Sure, we don't care about the speed of the building process. However, the emulator is so slow, that it causes tests which rely on events occuring within a certain time to fail. Of course these time intervals can be stretched, but this should be a workaround only - I do not plan to add a 30 second time interval to my tests because the Travis run needs to pass as well.

stephanenicolas commented 9 years ago

I have now been using Travis CI with android emulators for more than a year, around 2 even, mostly for the RoboSpice library, but some others too. And yes there are some issues with speed and stability with android emulators. I faced some situations like :

And slowness may even prevent the adoption of travis, and more generally automated testing for stuff like espresso/ui automator UI testing. It costs so much time to test UI with an emulator and you get so many troubles of stability because of speed that it's really not worth setting up tests.

I acknowledge your arguments @krschultz, but for all these reasons I have been dreaming of getting GenyMotion to work on travis as tests don't fail for the reasons mentioned above with it. Emulator also has drawbacks and is far from perfect for testing.

I even tried to set up genymotion on travis and was stuck when I realized that both of them use a virtualization solution that seem to make it impossible to run genymotion inside a travis build, at least at the user level.

So, I would say that, maybe without being a replacement for the emulator, but having the possibility to choose between the emulator and genymotion would be great for many android FOSS devs.

To give you an idea, I think I have been following any update on this topic regularly, googling out "travis genymotion" monthly for more than a year. That's how I found this thread.. ;)

krschultz commented 9 years ago

@stephanenicolas I definitely put a lot of value in your opinion on this one because I think you have pushed further than anyone else with the Quality-Tools-for-Android project.

I think the absolute first question is if the licensing of Genymotion is workable for this use case. AFAIK, Genymotion is not open source and the license quoted below precludes this use. I have actually purchased a license to get a few of the higher level features, but I would suspect without reaching out to Genymobile that TravisCI (the company) can't just drop the emulator in.

License granted: Limited GENYMOBILE grants the end user or the licensee a non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, non-assignable, terminable, limited, and non-exclusive license to access and use the software application developed by GENYMOBILE.

This license is granted to the end user only and exclusively in connection with personal use, the end user is an individual, and not a professional, who downloads the application for personal and private needs, excluding commercial and professional environment.

The end user and the licensee do not have any right or license to, and will not, directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever:

  • assign, transfer, sell, encumber or modify the software/application developed by GENYMOBILE or include this applicationin a product whatsoever,
  • use or utilize this software/application for any purpose or in any manner that is illegal or in violation of any applicable law or rights of any third party,

Generally speaking, all access, performance or use of the application except as expressly permitted by these terms and any use in accordance to GENYMOBILE’s purpose shall be deemed to be an infringement of GENYMOBILE’s intellectual property rights on its software/application and open all rights and remedies in connection with such infringement.

I'm starting to think that perhaps TravisCI should support end users supplying the worker. I don't think it works for the free tier, but on the paid account, it would be great if I could fork the worker recipe, add my changes, and run it on my EC2 account. I really like the Travis UI & the hooks into various services, but sometimes you need to control the worker VM as you would in Jenkins. This came up with regards to XCode 6, Android L, and now GenyMotion. I think it's a common problem on mobile. I'm not exactly sure how it would work, but I think it is the general purpose solution to the problem. I also think it would be a feature worth charing for, because obviously there is a bit of setup going on there.

stephanenicolas commented 9 years ago

@krschultz thx for your kind words. Android has done good progress now in integrating all quality tools and I don't find time and motivations to maintain the Quality Tools project up to date at the pace of changes in android plugin.

I know the guys from GenyMobile pretty well. Do you want me to put you guys in contact ? I even think a free solution for travis CI could be possible for them, they really wanna support OSS initiatives even if there soft is not OSS.

krschultz commented 9 years ago

@stephanenicolas I'm not affiliated w/ TravisCI, but if those guys want to talk to Genymotion that might make sense for them. Maybe @BanzaiMan can comment on that one.

vitorprado commented 9 years ago


BanzaiMan commented 9 years ago

I'm locking this issue for now until we have spare cycles to look into it deeper.