travis-ci / travis.rb

Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)
MIT License
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ruby travis-ci

The Travis Client Build Status

The Travis Mascot

The travis gem includes both a command line client and a Ruby library to interface with a Travis CI service using GitHub account. Both work with or any custom Travis CI setup you might have. Check out the installation instructions to get it running in no time.

Table of Contents

Command Line Client

There are three types of commands: Non-API Commands, General API Commands and Repository Commands. All commands take the form of travis COMMAND [ARGUMENTS] [OPTIONS]. You can get a list of commands by running help.

Non-API Commands

Every Travis command takes three global options:

-h, --help                       Display help
-i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
-E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions

The --help option is equivalent to running travis help COMMAND.

The --interactive options determines whether to include additional information and colors in the output or not (except on Windows, we never display colors on Windows, sorry). If you don't set this option explicitly, you will run in interactive mode if you invoke the command directly in a shell and in non-interactive mode if you pipe it somewhere.

You probably want to use --explode if you are working on a patch for the Travis client, as it will give you the Ruby exception instead of a nice error message.


The help command will inform you about the arguments and options that the commands take, for instance:

$ travis help help
Usage: travis help [command] [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions

Running help without a command name will give you a list of all available commands.


As you might have guessed, this command prints out the client's version.

General API Commands

API commands inherit all options from Non-API Commands.

Additionally, every API command understands the following options:

-e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --pro                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
-t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
    --debug                      show API requests
    --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests

You can supply an access token via --token if you want to make an authenticated call. If you don't have an access token stored for the API endpoint, it will remember it for subsequent requests. Keep in mind, this is not the "Travis token" used when setting up GitHub hooks (due to security). You probably don't have an access token handy right now. Don't worry, usually you won't use this option but instead just do a travis login.

The --debug option will print HTTP requests to STDERR. Like --explode, this is really helpful when contributing to this project.

There are many libraries out there to do HTTP requests in Ruby. You can switch amongst common ones with --adapter:

$ travis show --adapter net-http
$ gem install excon
$ travis show --adapter excon


The accounts command can be used to list all the accounts you can set up repositories for.

$ travis accounts
rkh (Konstantin Haase): subscribed, 160 repositories
sinatra (Sinatra): subscribed, 9 repositories
rack (Official Rack repositories): subscribed, 3 repositories
travis-ci (Travis CI): subscribed, 57 repositories


Provides an interactive shell via pry.

Running travis console gives you an interactive Ruby session with all the entities imported into global namespace.

This has advantages over irb -r travis, such as:

$ travis console
>> User.current
=> #<User: rkh>
>> Repository.find('sinatra/sinatra')
=> #<Repository: sinatra/sinatra>
>> _.last_build
=> #<Travis::Client::Build: sinatra/sinatra#360>
Interactive shell; requires `pry`.
Usage: travis console [OPTIONS]
-h, --help                       Display help
-i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
-E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
    --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
    --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
-e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
-I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
    --pro                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --staging                    talks to staging system
-t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
    --debug                      show API requests
    --debug-http                 show HTTP(S) exchange
-X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
    --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
-x, --eval LINE                  run line of ruby


Prints out the API endpoint you're talking to.

$ travis endpoint
API endpoint:

Handy for using it when working with shell scripts:

$ curl "$(travis endpoint)/docs" > docs.html

It can also be used to set the default API endpoint used for General API Commands:

$ travis endpoint --com --set-default
API endpoint: (stored as default)

You can use --drop-default to remove the setting again:

$ travis endpoint --drop-default
default API endpoint dropped (was


The login command will, well, log you in. That way, all subsequent commands that run against the same endpoint will be authenticated.

$ travis login --pro --github-token ghp_********
Successfully logged in as rkh!

You need to use a GitHub token and supply it via --github-token. Travis CI will not store the token, though - after all, it already should have a valid token for you in the database. NOTE: When creating a GitHub token, see GitHub Permissions used by or GitHub Permissions used by The token permissions are dependent on use of or and not if they are public or private repositories.

A third option is for the really lazy: --auto. In this mode the client will try to find a GitHub token for you and just use that. This will only work if you have a global GitHub token stored in your .netrc. If you haven't heard of this, it's worth looking into in general. Again: Travis CI will not store that token.


This command makes Travis CI forget your access token.

$ travis logout --com
Successfully logged out!


Usage: travis monitor [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
    -m, --my-repos                   Only monitor my own repositories
    -r, --repo SLUG                  monitor given repository (can be used more than once)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -n, --[no-]notify [TYPE]         send out desktop notifications (optional type: osx, growl, libnotify)
    -b, --builds                     only monitor builds, not jobs
    -p, --push                       monitor push events
    -P, --pull                       monitor pull request events

With monitor you can watch a live stream of what's going on:

$ travis monitor
2013-08-05 01:22:40 questmaster/FATpRemote#45 started
2013-08-05 01:22:40 questmaster/FATpRemote#45.1 started
2013-08-05 01:22:41 grangier/python-goose#33.1 passed
2013-08-05 01:22:42 plataformatec/simple_form#666 passed

You can limit it to a single repository via --repo SLUG.

By default, you will receive events for both builds and jobs, you can limit it to builds only via --build (short -b):

$ travis monitor
2013-08-05 01:22:40 questmaster/FATpRemote#45 started
2013-08-05 01:22:42 plataformatec/simple_form#666 passed

Similarly, you can limit it to builds/jobs for pull requests via --pull and for normal pushes via --push.

The monitor command can also send out desktop notifications:

$ travis monitor --com -n

When monitoring specific repositories, notifications will be turned on by default. Disable with --no-notify.


This is really helpful both when working on this client and when exploring the Travis API. It will simply fire a request against the API endpoint, parse the output and pretty print it. Keep in mind that the client takes care of authentication for you:

$ travis raw /repos/travis-ci/travis.rb
   "description"=>"Travis CI Client (CLI and Ruby library)",

Use --json if you'd rather prefer the output to be JSON.


This command is used to regenerate the stored API token. New token will be stored in the config.

$ travis regenerate-token
Successfully regenerated the token!


This command is used to remove the access token from the config, log out the user and disable the token.

$ travis remove-token
Successfully removed the access token!


When inspecting a bug or reporting an issue, it can be handy to include a report about the system and configuration used for running a command.

$ travis report --com
Ruby:                     Ruby 2.0.0-p195
Operating System:         Mac OS X 10.8.5
RubyGems:                 RubyGems 2.0.7

Version:                  1.5.8
Plugins:                  "travis-as-user", "travis-build", "travis-cli-pr"
Auto-Completion:          yes
Last Version Check:       2013-11-02 16:25:03 +0100

API Endpoint:   
Logged In:                as "rkh"
Verify SSL:               yes
Enterprise:               no

pro:             (access token, current)
org:             (access token)

Last Exception
An error occurred running `travis whoami --com`:
    Travis::Client::Error: access denied
        from ...

For issues with the command line tool, please visit
For Travis CI in general, go to or email

This command can also list all known repos and the endpoint to use for them via the --known-repos option.


Lists repositories the user has certain permissions on.
Usage: travis repos [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
    -m, --match PATTERN              only list repositories matching the given pattern (shell style)
    -o, --owner LOGIN                only list repos for a certain owner
    -n, --name NAME                  only list repos with a given name
    -a, --active                     only list active repositories
    -A, --inactive                   only list inactive repositories
    -d, --admin                      only list repos with (or without) admin access
    -D, --no-admin                   only list repos without admin access

Lists repositories and displays whether these are active or not. Has a variety of options to filter repositories.

$ travis repos -m 'rkh/travis-*'
rkh/travis-chat (active: yes, admin: yes, push: yes, pull: yes)
Description: example app demoing travis-sso usage

rkh/travis-encrypt (active: yes, admin: yes, push: yes, pull: yes)
Description: proof of concept in browser encryption of travis settings

rkh/travis-lite (active: no, admin: yes, push: yes, pull: yes)
Description: Travis CI without the JavaScript

rkh/travis-surveillance (active: no, admin: yes, push: yes, pull: yes)
Description: Veille sur un projet.

In non-interactive mode, it will only output the repository slug, which goes well with xargs:

$ travis repos --active --owner travis-ci | xargs -I % travis disable -r %
travis-ci/artifacts: disabled :(
travis-ci/canary: disabled :(
travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com: disabled :(
travis-ci/dpl: disabled :(
travis-ci/gh: disabled :(


Usage: travis sync [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -c, --check                      only check the sync status
    -b, --background                 will trigger sync but not block until sync is done
    -f, --force                      will force sync, even if one is already running

Sometimes the info Travis CI has about users and repositories become out of date. If that should happen, you can manually trigger a sync:

$ travis sync
synchronizing: ........... done

The command blocks until the synchronization is done. You can avoid that with --background:

$ travis sync --background
starting synchronization

If you just want to know if your account is being synchronized right now, use --check:

$ travis sync --check
rkh is currently syncing


This checks a .travis.yml file for any issues it might detect.

By default, it will read a file named .travis.yml in the current directory:

$ travis lint
Warnings for .travis.yml:
[x] your repository must be feature flagged for the os setting to be used

You can also give it a path to a different file:

$ travis lint example.yml

Or pipe the content into it:

$ echo "foo: bar" | travis lint
Warnings for STDIN:
[x] unexpected key foo, dropping
[x] missing key language, defaulting to ruby

Like the status command, you can use -q to suppress any output, and -x to have it set the exit code to 1 if there are any warnings.

$ travis lint -qx || echo ".travis.yml does not validate"


In order to use the Ruby library you will need to obtain an access token first. To do this simply run the travis login command. Once logged in you can check your token with travis token:

$ travis token
Your access token is super-secret

You can use that token for instance with curl:

$ curl -H "Authorization: token $(travis token)"
{"login":"rkh","name":"Konstantin Haase","email":"","gravatar_id":"5c2b452f6eea4a6d84c105ebd971d2a4","locale":"en","is_syncing":false,"synced_at":"2013-01-21T20:31:06Z"}

Note that if you just need it for looking at API payloads, that we also have the raw command.


It's just a tiny feature, but it allows you to take a look at repositories that have recently seen some action (ie the left hand sidebar on

$ travis whatsup
mysociety/fixmystreet started: #154
eloquent/typhoon started: #228
Pajk/apipie-rails started: #84
qcubed/framework failed: #21

If you only want to see what happened in your repositories, add the --my-repos flag (short: -m):

$ travis whatsup -m
travis-ci/travis.rb passed: #169
rkh/dpl passed: #50
rubinius/rubinius passed: #3235
sinatra/sinatra errored: #619
rtomayko/tilt failed: #162
ruby-no-kai/rubykaigi2013 passed: #50
rack/rack passed: #519


This command is useful to verify that you're in fact logged in:

$ travis whoami
You are rkh (Konstantin Haase)

Again, like most other commands, goes well with shell scripting:

$ git clone "$(travis whoami)/some_project"

Repository Commands

-h, --help                       Display help
-i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
-E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
    --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
    --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
-e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
-I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
    --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
-t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
    --debug                      show API requests
-X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
-r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
-R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory

Repository commands have all the options General API Commands have.

Additionally, you can specify the Repository to talk to by providing --repo owner/name. However, if you invoke the command inside a clone of the project, the client will figure out this option on its own. Note that it uses the tracked git remote for the current branch (and defaults to 'origin' if no tracking is set) to do so. You can use --store-repo SLUG once to override it permanently.

It will also automatically pick if it is a private project. You can of course override this decision with --com, --org or --api-endpoint URL


Displays the most recent build for each branch:

$ travis branches
hh-add-warning-old-style:                  #35   passed     Add a warning if old-style encrypt is being used
hh-multiline-encrypt:                      #55   passed     Merge branch 'master' into hh-multiline-encrypt
rkh-show-logs-history:                     #72   passed     regenerate gemspec
rkh-debug:                                 #75   passed     what?
hh-add-clear-cache-to-global-session:      #135  passed     Add clear_cache(!) to Travis::Namespace
hh-annotations:                            #146  passed     Initial annotation support
hh-remove-newlines-from-encrypted-string:  #148  errored    Remove all whitespace from an encrypted string
version-check:                             #157  passed     check travis version for updates from time to time
master:                                    #163  passed     add Repository#branches and Repository#branch(name)

For more fine grained control and older builds on a specific branch, see history.


Lists or deletes repository caches.
Usage: travis cache [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -d, --delete                     delete listed caches
    -b, --branch BRANCH              only list/delete caches on given branch
    -m, --match STRING               only list/delete caches where slug matches given string
    -f, --force                      do not ask user to confirm deleting the caches

Lists or deletes directory caches for a repository:

$ travis cache
On branch master:
cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile      last modified: 2013-11-04 13:45:44  size: 62.21 MiB
cache--rvm-ruby-head--gemfile-Gemfile  last modified: 2013-11-04 13:46:55  size: 62.65 MiB

On branch example:
cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile      last modified: 2013-11-04 13:45:44  size: 62.21 MiB

Overall size of above caches: 187.07 MiB

You can filter by branch:

$ travis cache --branch master
On branch master:
cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile      last modified: 2013-11-04 13:45:44  size: 62.21 MiB
cache--rvm-ruby-head--gemfile-Gemfile  last modified: 2013-11-04 13:46:55  size: 62.65 MiB

Overall size of above caches: 124.86 MiB

And by matching against the slug:

$ travis cache --match 2.0.0
On branch master:
cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile  last modified: 2013-11-04 13:45:44  size: 62.21 MiB

Overall size of above caches: 62.21 MiB

You can also use this command to delete caches:

$ travis cache -b example -m 2.0.0 --delete
DANGER ZONE: Do you really want to delete all caches on branch example that match 2.0.0? |no| yes
Deleted the following caches:

On branch example:
cache--rvm-2.0.0--gemfile-Gemfile  last modified: 2013-11-04 13:45:44  size: 62.21 MiB

Overall size of above caches: 62.21 MiB


This command will cancel the latest build:

$ travis cancel
build #85 has been canceled

You can also cancel any build by giving a build number:

$ travis cancel 57
build #57 has been canceled

Or a single job:

$ travis cancel 57.1
job #57.1 has been canceled


If you want to turn off a repository temporarily or indefinitely, you can do so with the disable command:

$ travis disable
travis-ci/travis.rb: disabled :(


With the enable command, you can easily activate a project on Travis CI:

$ travis enable
travis-ci/travis.rb: enabled :)

It even works when enabling a repo Travis didn't know existed by triggering a sync:

$ travis enable -r rkh/test
repository not known to Travis CI (or no access?)
triggering sync: ............. done
rkh/test: enabled

If you don't want the sync to be triggered, use --skip-sync.


Encrypts values for the .travis.yml.
Usage: travis encrypt [ARGS..] [OPTIONS]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --pro                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --staging                    talks to staging system
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
        --debug-http                 show HTTP(S) exchange
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -a, --add [KEY]                  adds it to .travis.yml under KEY (default:
    -s, --[no-]split                 treat each line as a separate input
    -p, --append                     don't override existing values, instead treat as list
    -x, --override                   override existing value

This command is useful to encrypt environment variables or deploy keys for private dependencies.

$ travis encrypt FOO=bar
Please add the following to your .travis.yml file:

  secure: "gSly+Kvzd5uSul15CVaEV91ALwsGSU7yJLHSK0vk+oqjmLm0jp05iiKfs08j\n/Wo0DG8l4O9WT0mCEnMoMBwX4GiK4mUmGdKt0R2/2IAea+M44kBoKsiRM7R3\n+62xEl0q9Wzt8Aw3GCDY4XnoCyirO49DpCH6a9JEAfILY/n6qF8="

Pro Tip™: You can add it automatically by running with --add.

For deploy keys, it is really handy to pipe them into the command:

$ cat id_rsa | travis encrypt

Another use case for piping files into it: If you have a file with sensitive environment variables, like foreman's .env file, you can tell the client to encrypt every line separately via --split:

$ cat .env | travis encrypt --split
Please add the following to your .travis.yml file:

  secure: "KmMdcwTWGubXVRu93/lY1NtyHxrjHK4TzCfemgwjsYzPcZuPmEA+pz+umQBN\n1ZhzUHZwDNsDd2VnBgYq27ZdcS2cRvtyI/IFuM/xJoRi0jpdTn/KsXR47zeE\nr2bFxRqrdY0fERVHSMkBiBrN/KV5T70js4Y6FydsWaQgXCg+WEU="
  secure: "jAglFtDjncy4E3upL/RF0ZOcmJ2UMrqHFCLQwU8PBdurhTMBeTw+IO6cXx5z\nU5zqvPYo/ghZ8mMuUhvHiGDM6m6OlMP7+l10VTxH1CoVew2NcQvRdfK3P+4S\nZJ43Hyh/ZLCjft+JK0tBwoa3VbH2+ZTzkRZQjdg54bE16C7Mf1A="

Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with --add.

As suggested, the client can also add them to your .travis.yml for you:

$ travis encrypt FOO=bar --add

This will by default add it as global variables for every job. You can also add it as matrix entries by providing a key:

$ travis encrypt FOO=bar --add env.matrix

There are two ways the client can treat existing values:


Encrypts a file and adds decryption steps to .travis.yml.
Usage: travis encrypt-file INPUT_PATH [OUTPUT_PATH] [OPTIONS]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --pro                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --staging                    talks to staging system
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
        --debug-http                 show HTTP(S) exchange
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -K, --key KEY                    encryption key to be used (randomly generated otherwise)
        --iv IV                      encryption IV to be used (randomly generated otherwise)
    -d, --decrypt                    decrypt the file instead of encrypting it, requires key and iv
    -f, --force                      override output file if it exists
    -p, --print-key                  print (possibly generated) key and iv
    -w, --decrypt-to PATH            where to write the decrypted file to on the Travis CI VM
    -a, --add [STAGE]                automatically add command to .travis.yml (default stage is before_install)

This command will encrypt a file for you using a symmetric encryption (AES-256), and it will store the secret in a secure variable. It will output the command you can use in your build script to decrypt the file.

$ travis encrypt-file bacon.txt
encrypting bacon.txt for rkh/travis-encrypt-file-example
storing result as bacon.txt.enc
storing secure env variables for decryption

Please add the following to your build script (before_install stage in your .travis.yml, for instance):

    openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_0a6446eb3ae3_key -iv $encrypted_0a6446eb3ae3_key -in bacon.txt.enc -out bacon.txt -d

Pro Tip: You can add it automatically by running with --add.

Make sure to add bacon.txt.enc to the git repository.
Make sure not to add bacon.txt to the git repository.
Commit all changes to your .travis.yml.

You can also use --add to have it automatically add the decrypt command to your .travis.yml

$ travis encrypt-file bacon.txt --add
encrypting bacon.txt for rkh/travis-encrypt-file-example
storing result as bacon.txt.enc
storing secure env variables for decryption

Make sure to add bacon.txt.enc to the git repository.
Make sure not to add bacon.txt to the git repository.
Commit all changes to your .travis.yml.


Show or modify build environment variables.

Usage: travis env list [options]
       travis env set name value [options]
       travis env unset [names..] [options]
       travis env copy [names..] [options]
       travis env clear [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --staging                    talks to staging system
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
        --as USER                    authenticate as given user
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -P, --[no-]public                make new values public
    -p, --[no-]private               make new values private
    -u, --[no-]unescape              do not escape values
    -f, --force                      do not ask for confirmation when clearing out all variables

You can set, list and unset environment variables, or copy them from the current environment:

$ travis env set foo bar --public
[+] setting environment variable $foo
$ travis env list
# environment variables for travis-ci/travis.rb

$ export foo=foobar
$ travis env copy foo bar
[+] setting environment variable $foo
[+] setting environment variable $bar
$ travis env list
# environment variables for travis-ci/travis.rb
$ travis env unset foo bar
[x] removing environment variable $foo
[x] removing environment variable $bar


Displays a project's build history.
Usage: travis history [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
        --skip-completion-check      don't check if auto-completion is set up
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -a, --after BUILD                Only show history after a given build number
    -p, --pull-request NUMBER        Only show history for the given Pull Request
    -b, --branch BRANCH              Only show history for the given branch
    -l, --limit LIMIT                Maximum number of history items
    -d, --date                       Include date in output
        --[no-]all                   Display all history items

You can check out what the recent builds look like:

$ travis history
#77 passed:   master fix name clash
#76 failed:   master Merge pull request #11 from travis-ci/rkh-show-logs-history
#75 passed:   rkh-debug what?
#74 passed:   rkh-debug all tests pass locally and on the travis vm I spin up :(
#73 failed:   Pull Request #11 regenerate gemspec
#72 passed:   rkh-show-logs-history regenerate gemspec
#71 failed:   Pull Request #11 spec fix for (older) rubinius
#70 passed:   rkh-show-logs-history spec fix for (older) rubinius
#69 failed:   Pull Request #11 strange fix for rubinius
#68 failed:   rkh-show-logs-history strange fix for rubinius

By default, it will display the last 10 builds. You can limit (or extend) the number of builds with --limit:

$ travis history --limit 2
#77 passed:   master fix name clash
#76 failed:   master Merge pull request #11 from travis-ci/rkh-show-logs-history

You can use --after to display builds after a certain build number (or, well, before, but it's called after to use the same phrases as the API):

$ travis history --limit 2 --after 76
#75 passed:   rkh-debug what?
#74 passed:   rkh-debug all tests pass locally and on the travis vm I spin up :(

You can also limit the history to builds for a certain branch:

$ travis history --limit 3 --branch master
#77 passed:   master fix name clash
#76 failed:   master Merge pull request #11 from travis-ci/rkh-show-logs-history
#57 passed:   master Merge pull request #5 from travis-ci/hh-multiline-encrypt

Or a certain Pull Request:

$ travis history --limit 3 --pull-request 5
#56 passed:   Pull Request #5 Merge branch 'master' into hh-multiline-encrypt
#49 passed:   Pull Request #5 improve output
#48 passed:   Pull Request #5 let it generate accessor for line splitting automatically


Usage: travis init [language] [file] [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -s, --skip-sync                  don't trigger a sync if the repo is unknown
    -f, --force                      override .travis.yml if it already exists
    -k, --skip-enable                do not enable project, only add .travis.yml
    -p, --print-conf                 print generated config instead of writing to file
        --script VALUE               sets script option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --before-script VALUE        sets before_script option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --after-script VALUE         sets after_script option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --after-success VALUE        sets after_success option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --install VALUE              sets install option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --before-install VALUE       sets before_install option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --compiler VALUE             sets compiler option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --otp-release VALUE          sets otp_release option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --go VALUE                   sets go option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --jdk VALUE                  sets jdk option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --node-js VALUE              sets node_js option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --perl VALUE                 sets perl option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --php VALUE                  sets php option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --python VALUE               sets python option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --rvm VALUE                  sets rvm option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --scala VALUE                sets scala option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --env VALUE                  sets env option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)
        --gemfile VALUE              sets gemfile option in .travis.yml (can be used more than once)

When setting up a new project, you can run travis init to generate a .travis.yml and enable the project:

$ travis init java
.travis.yml file created!
travis-ci/java-example: enabled :)

You can also set certain values via command line flags (see list above):

$ travis init c --compiler clang
.travis.yml file created!
travis-ci/c-example: enabled :)


Given a job number, logs simply prints out that job's logs. By default it will display the first job of the latest build.

$ travis logs
displaying logs for travis-ci/travis.rb#317.1
[... more logs ...]
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
$ bundle exec rake
/home/travis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p371/bin/ruby -S rspec spec -c

Finished in 4.46 seconds
270 examples, 0 failures

Done. Build script exited with: 0

The info line about the job being displayed is written to stderr, the logs itself are written to stdout.

It takes an optional argument that can be a job number:

$ travis logs 100.3
displaying logs for travis-ci/travis.rb#100.3

A build number (in which case it will pick the build's first job):

$ travis logs 100
displaying logs for travis-ci/travis.rb#100.1

Just the job suffix, which will pick the corresponding job from the latest build:

$ travis logs .2
displaying logs for travis-ci/travis.rb#317.2

A branch name:

$ travis logs ghe
displaying logs for travis-ci/travis.rb#270.1

You can delete the logs with the --delete flag, which optionally takes a reason as argument:

$ travis logs --delete
DANGER ZONE: Do you really want to delete the build log for travis-ci/travis.rb#559.1? |no| yes
deleting log for travis-ci/travis.rb#559.1
$ travis logs 1.7 --delete "contained confidential data" --force
deleting log for travis-ci/travis.rb#1.7


Opens the project view in the Travis CI web interface. If you pass it a build or job number, it will open that specific view:

$ travis open

If you just want the URL printed out instead of opened in a browser, pass --print.

If instead you want to open the repository, compare or pull request view on GitHub, use --github.

$ travis open 56 --print --github
web view:


Outputs the public key for a repository.

$ travis pubkey
Public key for travis-ci/travis.rb:

ssh-rsa ...
$ travis pubkey -r rails/rails > rails.key

The --pem flag will print out the key PEM encoded:

$ travis pubkey --pem
Public key for travis-ci/travis.rb:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Whereas the --fingerprint flag will print out the key's fingerprint:

$ travis pubkey --fingerprint
Public key for travis-ci/travis.rb:



With the requests command, you can list the build requests received by Travis CI from GitHub. This is handy for figuring out why a repository might not be building.

$ travis requests -r sinatra/sinatra
push to master accepted (triggered new build)
  abc51e2 - Merge pull request #847 from gogotanaka/add_readme_ja
  received at: 2014-02-16 09:26:36

PR #843 rejected (skipped through commit message)
  752201c - Update Spanish README with tense, verb, and word corrections. [ci skip]
  received at: 2014-02-16 05:07:16

You can use -l/--limit to limit the number of requests displayed.


This command will restart the latest build:

$ travis restart
build #85 has been restarted

You can also restart any build by giving a build number:

$ travis restart 57
build #57 has been restarted

Or a single job:

$ travis restart 57.1
job #57.1 has been restarted

Certain repository settings can be read via the CLI:

$ travis settings
Settings for travis-ci/travis.rb:
[-] builds_only_with_travis_yml    Only run builds with a .travis.yml
[+] build_pushes                   Build pushes
[+] build_pull_requests            Build pull requests
[-] maximum_number_of_builds       Maximum number of concurrent builds

You can also filter the settings by passing them in as arguments:

$ travis settings build_pushes build_pull_requests
Settings for travis-ci/travis.rb:
[+] build_pushes                   Build pushes
[+] build_pull_requests            Build pull requests

It is also possible to change these settings via --enable, --disable and --set:

$ travis settings build_pushes --disable
Settings for travis-ci/travis.rb:
[-] build_pushes                   Build pushes
$ travis settings maximum_number_of_builds --set 1
Settings for travis-ci/travis.rb:
  1 maximum_number_of_builds       Maximum number of concurrent builds

Or, alternatively, you can use -c to configure the settings interactively:

$ travis settings -c
Settings for travis-ci/travis.rb:
Only run builds with a .travis.yml? |yes| no
Build pushes? |no| yes
Build pull requests? |yes|
Maximum number of concurrent builds: |1| 5


Helps you configure Travis addons.

Usage: travis setup service [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
        --skip-version-check         don't check if travis client is up to date
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
        --adapter ADAPTER            Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -f, --force                      override config section if it already exists

Available services: anynines, appfog, artifacts, biicode, cloudcontrol, cloudfiles, cloudfoundry, cloud66, codedeploy, deis, divshot, elasticbeanstalk, engineyard, gcs, hackage, heroku, modulus, npm, ninefold, nodejitsu, openshift, opsworks, pypi, releases, rubygems, s3 and sauce_connect.


$ travis setup heroku
Deploy only from travis-ci/travis-chat? |yes|
Encrypt API key? |yes|


Displays general info about the latest build:

$ travis show
Build #77: fix name clash
State:         passed
Type:          push
Compare URL:
Duration:      5 min 51 sec
Started:       2013-01-19 19:00:49
Finished:      2013-01-19 19:02:17

#77.1 passed:    45 sec         rvm: 1.8.7
#77.2 passed:    50 sec         rvm: 1.9.2
#77.3 passed:    45 sec         rvm: 1.9.3
#77.4 passed:    46 sec         rvm: 2.0.0
#77.5 failed:    1 min 18 sec   rvm: jruby (failure allowed)
#77.6 passed:    1 min 27 sec   rvm: rbx

Any other build:

$ travis show 1
Build #1: add .travis.yml
State:         failed
Type:          push
Compare URL:
Duration:      3 min 16 sec
Started:       2013-01-13 23:15:22
Finished:      2013-01-13 23:21:38

#1.1 failed:     21 sec         rvm: 1.8.7
#1.2 failed:     34 sec         rvm: 1.9.2
#1.3 failed:     24 sec         rvm: 1.9.3
#1.4 failed:     52 sec         rvm: 2.0.0
#1.5 failed:     38 sec         rvm: jruby
#1.6 failed:     27 sec         rvm: rbx

The last build for a given branch:

$ travis show rkh-debug
Build #75: what?
State:         passed
Type:          push
Branch:        rkh-debug
Compare URL:
Duration:      6 min 16 sec
Started:       2013-01-19 18:51:17
Finished:      2013-01-19 18:52:43

#75.1 passed:    1 min 10 sec   rvm: 1.8.7
#75.2 passed:    51 sec         rvm: 1.9.2
#75.3 passed:    36 sec         rvm: 1.9.3
#75.4 passed:    48 sec         rvm: 2.0.0
#75.5 failed:    1 min 26 sec   rvm: jruby (failure allowed)
#75.6 passed:    1 min 25 sec   rvm: rbx

Or a job:

$ travis show 77.3
Job #77.3: fix name clash
State:         passed
Type:          push
Compare URL:
Duration:      45 sec
Started:       2013-01-19 19:00:49
Finished:      2013-01-19 19:01:34
Allow Failure: false
Config:        rvm: 1.9.3


Checks, updates or deletes an SSH key.
Usage: travis sshkey [OPTIONS]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
    -I, --[no-]insecure              do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -X, --enterprise [NAME]          use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -D, --delete                     remove SSH key
    -d, --description DESCRIPTION    set description
    -u, --upload FILE                upload key from given file
    -s, --stdin                      upload key read from stdin
    -c, --check                      set exit code depending on key existing
    -g, --generate                   generate SSH key and set up for given GitHub user
    -p, --passphrase PASSPHRASE      pass phrase to decrypt with when using --upload

This feature is for private and Enterprise only.

With the sshkey command you can check if there is a custom SSH key set up. Custom SSH keys are used for cloning the repository.

$ travis sshkey
No custom SSH key installed.

You can also use it to upload an SSH key:

$ travis sshkey --upload ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Key description: Test Key
updating ssh key for travis-pro/test-project with key from /Users/konstantin/.ssh/id_rsa
Current SSH key: Test Key

And to remove it again:

$ travis sshkey --delete
DANGER ZONE: Remove SSH key for travis-pro/test-project? |no| yes
removing ssh key for travis-pro/test-project
No custom SSH key installed.

You can also have it generate a key for a given GitHub user (for instance, for a dedicated CI user that only has read access). The public key will automatically be added to GitHub and the private key to Travis CI:

$ travis sshkey --generate
We need the GitHub login for the account you want to add the key to.
This information will not be sent to Travis CI, only to
The password will not be displayed.

Username: travisbot
Password for travisbot: **************

Generating RSA key.
Uploading public key to GitHub.
Uploading private key to Travis CI.

See Private Dependencies for an in-detail description.


Usage: travis status [options]
    -h, --help                       Display help
    -i, --[no-]interactive           be interactive and colorful
    -E, --[no-]explode               don't rescue exceptions
    -e, --api-endpoint URL           Travis API server to talk to
        --com                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
        --org                        short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
    -t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN]       access token to use
        --debug                      show API requests
    -r, --repo SLUG                  repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
    -R, --store-repo SLUG            like --repo, but remembers value for current directory
    -x, --[no-]exit-code             sets the exit code to 1 if the build failed
    -q, --[no-]quiet                 does not print anything
    -p, --[no-]fail-pending          sets the status code to 1 if the build is pending

Outputs a one line status message about the project's last build. With -q that line will even not be printed out. How's that useful? Combine it with -x and the exit code will be 1 if the build failed, with -p and it will be 1 for a pending build.

$ travis status -qpx && cap deploy

Travis CI and Travis CI Enterprise

By default, General API Commands will talk to You can change this by supplying --com for or --api-endpoint with your own endpoint. Note that all Repository Commands will try to figure out the API endpoint to talk to automatically depending on the project's visibility on GitHub.

$ travis login --com
$ travis monitor --com -m

The custom --api-endpoint option is handy for local development:

$ travis whatsup --api-endpoint http://localhost:3000

If you have a Travis Enterprise setup in house, you can use the --enterprise option (or short -X). It will ask you for the enterprise domain the first time it is used.

$ travis login -X
Enterprise domain:
$ travis whatsup -X

Note that currently Repository Commands will not be able to detect Travis Enterprise automatically. You will have to use the -X flag at least once per repository. The command line tool will remember the API endpoint for subsequent commands issued against the same repository.

Environment Variables

You can set the following environment variables to influence the travis behavior:

Desktop Notifications

Some commands support sending desktop notifications. The following notification systems are currently supported:


The travis binary has rudimentary support for plugins: It tries to load all files matching ~/.travis/*/init.rb. Note that the APIs plugins use are largely semi-private. That is, they should remain stable, but are not part of the public API covered by semantic versioning. You can list the installed plugins via travis report.

It is possible to define new commands directly in the init.rb or to set up lazy-loading for these.

Official Plugins

Ruby Library

There are two approaches of using the Ruby library, one straight forward with one global session:

require 'travis'

rails = Travis::Repository.find('rails/rails')
puts "oh no" unless

And one where you have to instantiate your own session:

require 'travis/client'

client =
rails  = client.repo('rails/rails')
puts "oh no" unless

For most parts, those are pretty much the same, the entities you get back look the same, etc, except one offers nice constants as part of the API, the other doesn't. In fact the "global" session style uses Travis::Client internally.

So, which one to choose? The global style has one session, whereas with the client style, you have one session per client instance. Each session has its own cache and identity map. This might matter for long running processes. If you use a new session for separate units of work, you can be pretty sure to not leak any objects. On the other hand using the constants or reusing the same session might save you from unnecessary HTTP requests.

In either way, if you should use the first approach or long living clients, here is how you make sure not to have stale data around:


Note that this will still keep the identity map around, it will only drop all attributes. To clear the identity map, you can use the clear_cache! method. However, if you do that, you should not keep old instances of any entities (like repositories, etc) around.


Authentication is pretty easy, you just need to set an access token:

require 'travis'

Travis.access_token = "..."
puts "Hello #{}!"

Or with your own client instance:

require 'travis/client'

client = "...")
puts "Hello #{}"

See the token command for obtaining the access token used by the CLI.

If you don't have an access token for Travis CI, you can use a GitHub access token to get one:

require 'travis'

puts "Hello #{}!"

Travis CI will not store that token.

There is also travis/auto_login, which will try to read the CLI configuration or .netrc for a Travis CI or GitHub token to authenticate with automatically:

require 'travis/auto_login'
puts "Hello #{}!"

Using Pro

Using the library with private projects pretty much works the same, except you use Travis::Pro.

Keep in mind that you need to authenticate.

require 'travis/pro'

Travis::Pro.access_token = '...'
user = Travis::Pro::User.current

puts "Hello #{}!"

There is also travis/pro/auto_login, which will try to read the CLI configuration or .netrc for a Travis CI or GitHub token to authenticate with automatically:

require 'travis/pro/auto_login'
puts "Hello #{}!"


Entities are like the models in the Travis Client land. They keep the data and it's usually them you talk to if you want something. They are pretty much normal Ruby objects.

The Travis session will cache all entities, so don't worry about loading the same one twice. Once you got a hold of one, you can easily reload it at any time if you want to make sure the data is fresh:

rails = Travis::Repository.find('rails/rails')
sleep 1.hour

The travis gem supports lazy and partial loading, so if you want to make sure you have all the data, just call load.


This is not something you should usually do, as partial loading is actually your friend (keeps requests to a minimum).

Stateful Entities

Repositories, Builds and Jobs all are basically state machines, which means they implement the following methods:

require 'travis'
build = Travis::Repository.find('rails/rails').last_build

p build.canceled?
p build.created?
p build.errored?
p build.failed?
p build.finished?
p build.passed?
p build.pending?
p build.queued?
p build.running?
p build.started?
p build.successful?
p build.unsuccessful?
p build.yellow?
p build.color

Builds and jobs also have a state method. For repositories, use last_build.state.


Repositories are probably one of the first entities you'll load. It's pretty straight forward, too.

require 'travis'

Travis::Repository.find('rails/rails')            # find by slug
Travis::Repository.find(891)                      # find by id
Travis::Repository.find_all(owner_name: 'rails')  # all repos in the rails organization
Travis::Repository.current                        # repos that see some action right now

# all repos with the same owner as the repo with id 891

Once you have a repository, you can for instance encrypt some strings with its private key:

require 'travis'

puts repo.encrypt('FOO=bar')

Repositories are stateful.

You can enable or disable a repository with the methods that go by the same name.

system "push all the things"

If you want to enable a new project, you might have to do a sync first.


You could load a build by its id using Travis::Build.find. But most of the time you won't have the id handy, so you'd usually start with a repository.

require 'travis'
rails = Travis::Repository.find('rails/rails')

rails.last_build               # the latest build
rails.recent_builds            # the last 20 or so builds (don't rely on that number)
rails.builds(after_number: 42) # the last 20 or so builds *before* 42                # build with the number 42 (not the id!)
rails.builds                   # Enumerator for #each_build

# this will loop through all builds
rails.each_build do |build|
  puts "#{build.number}: #{build.state}"

# this will loop through all builds before build 42
rails.each_build(after_number: 42) do |build|
  puts "#{build.number}: #{build.state}"

Note that each_build (and thus builds without and argument) is lazy and uses pagination, so you can safely do things like this:

build = rails.builds.detect { |b| b.failed? }
puts "Last failing Rails build: #{build.number}"

Without having to load more than 6000 builds.

You can restart a build, if the current user has sufficient permissions on the repository:


Same goes for canceling it:


You can also retrieve a Hash mapping branch names to the latest build on that given branch via branches or use the branch method to get the last build for a specific branch:

if rails.branch('4-0-stable').green?
  puts "Time for another 4.0.x release!"

count = rails.branches.size
puts "#{count} rails branches tested on travis"


Jobs behave a lot like builds, and similar to them, you probably don't have the id ready. You can get the jobs from a build: do |job|
  puts "#{job.number} took #{job.duration} seconds"

If you have the job number, you can also reach a job directly from the repository:


Like builds, you can also restart singe jobs:


Same goes for canceling it:



The artifacts you usually care for are probably logs. You can reach them directly from a build:

require 'travis'

repo = Travis::Repository.find('travis-ci/travis.rb')
job  =
puts job.log.body

If you plan to print out the body, be aware that it might contain malicious escape codes. For this reason, we added colorized_body, which removes all the unprintable characters, except for ANSI color codes, and clean_body which also removes the color codes.

puts job.log.colorized_body

You can stream a body for a job that is currently running by passing a block:

job.log.body { |chunk| print chunk }


The only user you usually get access to is the currently authenticated one.

require 'travis'

Travis.access_token = '...'
user = Travis::User.current

puts "Hello, #{user.login}! Or should I call you... #{}!?"

If some data gets out of sync between GitHub and Travis, you can use the user object to trigger a new sync.



Commits cannot be loaded directly. They come as a byproduct of jobs and builds.

require 'travis'

repo   = Travis::Repository.find('travis-ci/travis.rb')
commit = repo.last_build.commit

puts "Last tested commit: #{commit.short_sha} on #{commit.branch} by #{commit.author_name} - #{commit.subject}"


Caches can be fetched for a repository.

require 'travis/pro'

Travis::Pro.access_token = "MY SECRET TOKEN"
repo = Travis::Pro::Repository.find("my/rep")

repo.caches.each do |cache|
  puts "#{cache.branch}: #{cache.size}"

It is also possible to delete multiple caches with a single API call:

repo.delete_caches(branch: "master", match: "rbx")

Repository Settings

You can access a repositories settings via Repository#settings:

require 'travis'

Travis.access_token = "MY SECRET TOKEN"
settings = Travis::Repository.find('my/repo').settings

if settings.build_pushes?
  settings.build_pushes  = false

Build Environment Variables

You can access environment variables via Repository#env_vars:

require 'travis'

Travis.access_token = "MY SECRET TOKEN"
env_vars = Travis::Repository.find('my/repo').env_vars

env_vars['foo'] = 'bar'
env_vars.upsert('foo', 'foobar', public: true)
env_vars.each { |var| var.delete }

Dealing with Sessions

Under the hood the session is where the fun is happening. Most methods on the constants and entities just wrap methods on your session, so you don't have to pass the session around all the time or even see it if you don't want to.

There are two levels of session methods, the higher level methods from the Travis::Client::Methods mixin, which are also available from Travis, Travis::Pro or any custom Namespace.

require 'travis/client/session'
session =

session.access_token = "secret_token"           # access token to use
session.api_endpoint = "http://localhost:3000/" # api endpoint to talk to
session.github_auth("github_token")             # log in with a github token
session.repos(owner_name: 'travis-ci')          # all travis-ci/* projects
session.repo('travis-ci/travis.rb')             # this project
session.repo(409371)                            # same as the one above                          # build with id 4266036
session.job(4266037)                            # job with id 4266037
session.artifact(42)                            # artifact with id 42
session.log(42)                                 # same as above
session.user                                    # the current user, if logged in
session.restart(         # restart some build
session.cancel(          # cancel some build

You can add these methods to any object responding to session via said mixin.

Below this, there is a second API, close to the HTTP level:

require 'travis/client/session'
session =

session.instrument do |description, block|
  time =
  puts "#{description} took #{ - time} seconds"

session.connection =

session.get_raw('/repos/rails/rails') # => {"repo" => {"id" => 891, "slug" => "rails/rails", ...}}
session.get('/repos/rails/rails')     # => {"repo" => #<Travis::Client::Repository: rails/rails>}
session.headers['Foo'] = 'Bar'        # send a custom HTTP header with every request

rails = session.find_one(Travis::Client::Repository, 'rails/rails')

session.find_many(Travis::Client::Repository)  # repositories with the latest builds
session.find_one_or_many(Travis::Client::User) # the current user (you could also use find_one here)

session.reset(rails)  # lazy reload

session.clear_cache   # empty cached attributes
session.clear_cache!  # empty identity map

Listening for Events

You can use the listen method to listen for events on repositories, builds or jobs:

require 'travis'

rails   = Travis::Repository.find("rails/rails")
sinatra = Travis::Repository.find("sinatra/sinatra")

Travis.listen(rails, sinatra) do |stream|
  stream.on('build:started', 'build:finished') do |event|
    # ie "rails/rails just passed"
    puts "#{event.repository.slug} just #{}"

Current events are build:created, build:started, build:finished, job:created, job:started, job:finished and job:log (the last one only when subscribing to jobs explicitly). Not passing any arguments to listen will monitor the global stream.

Using Namespaces

Travis and Travis::Pro are just two different namespaces for two different Travis sessions. A namespace is a Module, exposing the higher level session methods. It also has a dummy constant for every entity, wrapping find_one (aliased to find) and find_many (aliased to find_all) for you, so you don't have to keep track of the session or hand in the entity class. You can easily create your own namespace:

require 'travis/client'
MyTravis ="http://localhost:3000")

MyTravis.access_token = "..."

Since namespaces are Modules, you can also include them.

require 'travis/client'

class MyTravis



Make sure you have at least Ruby 2.3.0 (2.6.0 recommended) installed.

You can check your Ruby version by running ruby -v:

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) [x86_64-linux]

Then run:

On OSX and Linux:

$ gem install travis --no-document

(For older versions of gem, replace --no-document with --no-rdoc --no-ri.)

On Windows:

$ gem install travis

If you do not have write access to the system gem directory, you'll need to perform a local install by adding --user-install. You also need to ensure the local gem directory is on your PATH.

Now make sure everything is working:

$ travis version

See also Note on Ubuntu below.

Note on Ruby 2.3

For Ruby 2.3.x, be sure to have a compatible version of faraday installed; e.g.,

$ gem install faraday -v 1.0.1

Development Version

You can also install the development version via RubyGems:

$ gem install travis --pre

We automatically publish a new development version after every successful build.

Running Locally

If you want to try out your changes locally:

bundle install # install the dependencies
bundle exec bin/travis a-command # run your command

Updating your Ruby

If you have an outdated Ruby version, or your OS doesn't come with Ruby pre-installed, you should use your package system or a Ruby Installer to install a recent Ruby.

Mac OS X via Homebrew

You can use Homebrew to install a recent version:

$ brew install ruby
$ gem update --system


On Windows, we recommend using the RubyInstaller, which includes the latest version of Ruby.

Other Unix systems

On other Unix systems, like Linux, use your package system to install Ruby.

Debian, Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ruby

For other Linux distributions, refer to their respective documentation.

Ruby versioning tools

Alternatively, you can use a Ruby version management tool such as rvm, rbenv or chruby. This is only recommended if you need to run multiple versions of Ruby.

You can of course always compile Ruby from source, though then you are left with the hassle of keeping it up to date and making sure that everything is set up properly.


Upgrading from travis-cli

If you have the old travis-cli gem installed, you should gem uninstall travis-cli, just to be sure, as it ships with an executable that is also named travis.

uninitialized constant Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed

You might see this error message if you have Typhoeus version prior to version 1.4.0 and Faraday 1.0 and up. You can eradicate this problem by either:

  1. Update Typhoeus to version 1.4.0 or later
  2. Remove typhoeus entirely

See for more details.

Version History







1.10.0 (September 22, 2020)

1.9.1 (May 19, 2020)

1.9.0 (April 27, 2020)

1.8.13 (April 7, 2020)

1.8.12 (March 23, 2020)

1.8.11 (March 2, 2020)

1.8.10 (May 5, 2019)

1.8.8 (March 3, 2017)

1.8.0 (July 15, 2015)

1.7.7 (May 26, 2015)

1.7.6 (April 08, 2015)

1.7.5 (January 15, 2015)

1.7.4 (November 12, 2014)

1.7.3 (November 10, 2014)

1.7.2 (September 17, 2014)

1.7.1 (August 9, 2014)

1.7.0 (August 5, 2014)

1.6.17 (July 25, 2014)

1.6.16 (July 19, 2014)

1.6.15 (July 18, 2014)

1.6.14 (June 17, 2014)

1.6.13 (June 15, 2014)

1.6.12 (June 12, 2014)

1.6.11 (May 12, 2014)

1.6.10 (April 24, 2014)

1.6.9 (April 9, 2014)

1.6.8 (March 12, 2014)

1.6.7 (January 30, 2014)

1.6.6 (December 16, 2013)

1.6.5 (December 16, 2013)

1.6.4 (December 16, 2013)

Release was yanked. See 1.6.5 for changes.

1.6.3 (November 27, 2013)

1.6.2 (November 8, 2013)

1.6.1 (November 4, 2013)

1.6.0 (November 4, 2013)

1.5.8 (October 24, 2013)

1.5.7 (October 24, 2013)

1.5.6 (October 22, 2013)

1.5.5 (October 2, 2013)

1.5.4 (September 7, 2013)

1.5.3 (August 22, 2013)

1.5.2 (August 18, 2013)

1.5.1 (August 15, 2013)

1.5.0 (August 7, 2013)

1.4.0 (July 26, 2013)

1.3.1 (July 21, 2013)

1.3.0 (July 20, 2013)

1.2.8 (July 19, 2013)

1.2.7 (July 15, 2013)

v1.2.6 (July 7, 2013)

v1.2.5 (July 7, 2013)

v1.2.4 (July 7, 2013)

v1.2.3 (June 27, 2013)

v1.2.2 (May 24, 2013)

v1.2.1 (May 24, 2013)

v1.2.0 (February 22, 2013)

v1.1.3 (January 26, 2013)

v1.1.2 (January 24, 2013)

v1.1.1 (January 22, 2013)

v1.1.0 (January 21, 2013)

v1.0.3 (January 15, 2013)

v1.0.2 (January 14, 2013)

v1.0.1 (January 14, 2013)

v1.0.0 (January 14, 2013)

v1.0.0pre2 (January 14, 2013)

v1.0.0pre (January 13, 2013)