travishegner / buildzfs

Basic script to build archlinux zfs packages when archzfs CI is not working correctly
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This simple set of scripts utilizes podman in rootless mode to build the zfs-utils, zfs-utils-debug, zfs-linux-lts, and zfs-linux-lts-headers packages using the PKGBUILDs found in the AUR. Just run ./ and all the packages will be dropped into the current directory. If you have more than 4 cores, you can prefix the command with NUM_CPUS=16 ./ to get faster builds. You can also specify ZFS_RELEASE and ZFS_GPG_KEY if the default values don't work for your use case. This is most useful when the system at is failing to deploy new releases. This build process may not work when the versions of linux and zfs are incompatible.