It seems that there is something wrong with the color percentages as they are shown in Pimatic. When setting the color it does seem to set the lamp to the right color %, but the color % is shown wrong in Pimatic. If you slide it to 20, it jumps back to 12, but it did set it to 20%. If you slide it to 25% it jumps back to 18% in pimatic.
It seems that there is something wrong with the color percentages as they are shown in Pimatic. When setting the color it does seem to set the lamp to the right color %, but the color % is shown wrong in Pimatic. If you slide it to 20, it jumps back to 12, but it did set it to 20%. If you slide it to 25% it jumps back to 18% in pimatic.
20%->12%, 30%->23%, 40%->34%, 50%->45%, 60%->57%, 70%->68%, 80%->80%, 90%->91%.
offset: -8%, -7%, -6%, -5%, -3%, -2%, 0%, +1%
I think there is some kind of error in a formula for calculating the % reported back by the gateway.
This is likely introduced by v0.1.12, but I only noticed now as I upgraded from 0.1.11 to 0.1.14