trendmicro-frontend / universal-web-components

TrendMicro Universal Web Components
MIT License
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Demo Site #1

Open cheton opened 6 years ago

cheton commented 6 years ago

Thank you for creating these valuable Vue components. May I know do you have plan to host the demo site using GitHub pages? That will help people to find out useful stuff for what you've done in this repository.

enginespot commented 6 years ago

Hi @cheton It is a great idea to add a demo site to github pages , and we did have a plan to add the demo site , but consider that people can view web components from the directory, and there is storybook support for realtime preview , so we will custom demo site in the future by now our main targets can split several small tagets , we want to keep it step by step

  1. custom web components based on style portal we want to full use of the less files of style portal , if there is a style bug , we will try to submit case to style-portal , then style-portal can maintain activity , and if there is change of less files , for our web components , it should not change any code , just update less file and recompile it. currently we only custom web components based on style portal , which means we will achieve any feature of style portal , and for business logic , we will only import components.js ,and components.css
  2. automation we believe that automation will center around all our work, so we will develop serval automation script, such as auto combine less with namespace feature , integrate our development work with storybook , and also , if we want to custom a demo site , automation will be the first work we will do. [here we will tried to change all of the storybook code to demo code dynamiclly]
  3. web components in future as I know , there are different web frameworks we are using , such as react , vue , and angular , for the web components , it does not care about which framework [hmm... yes , by now we custom web components based on vue , but it should support any framework in future], you can just think that it is a bridge to connect style-portal and business logic , in future , it should support compile on demand , and export vue web components , react web components , angular web components , hybird web components . and for user , they can forget all of the styles ,and all of the module logic , just include web components ,and use it . like this way: <tm-vue-badge variant="light-gray"> badge </tm-vue-badge>
  4. future's future once most of the web components finish development [of course impossible, it is dynamic changes] ,but we can consider the existence of such a relatively stable state , we can custom many bigger page based on the web components , and make it as another web component ,and also we can custom micro frontends modules flexibly.

    We want to keep active , and we hope more teammates join.