trianglman / sqrl

PHP Server side implementation of a SQRL generator/listener
MIT License
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Replaced vuk,suk with suk,vuk #19

Closed Ralle closed 5 years ago

Ralle commented 6 years ago

Still new to SQRL so I might be wrong. But from reading the code, this looks confusing.

        $sql = "INSERT INTO sqrl_pubkey (public_key,vuk,suk) VALUES (?,?,?)";
        $stmt = $this->conn->prepare($sql);
rwese commented 5 years ago

@Ralle you are not wrong, it is confusing and there is actually an error in the order the arguments are bound.

public_key, vuk,       suk
$key,       $suk,      $vuk

other than that, the variable named could be more verbose but the function is only 4 lines so no biggy.

rwese commented 5 years ago

@Ralle can be closed now