trickerer / Trinity-Bots

NPCBots for TrinityCore and AzerothCore 3.3.5
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Ranged characters tend to move ahead / to the side and aggroing mobs #156

Closed Corgicorgicorgi closed 2 years ago

Corgicorgicorgi commented 2 years ago


I have a hunter and a priest in my team and every time I engage an enemy, they tend to move ahead or to the side of the pack (about 20 yards) and as a result aggroing more mobs.

I have tried setting the follow distance and attack distance but no luck.

I used to play an older version of TC and bots that was included in this repack and this was not a problem. Three days ago I decided to compile my own and pulled latest, and it is now exhibiting this behaviour.


trickerer commented 2 years ago

Yes, bot do try to position themselves in the back or on the side of the target (except PvP situations), but only if player is in melee distance to target or behind it too. They do that to avoid possible frontal aoe attacks, cannot predict posibility of such attacks just by checking the target, and to follow player's ranged positioning pattern. Problems are possible if player tanks while ranged bots need to stand considerable distance away from target (like Geddon). Possible solution is to make bots tank. If bots go too far you can just reduce .npcbot attack distance. The distance is calculated from target's exact position so attack distance 1 makes bots stand pretty much on top of the target regardless

So, if you melee - set attack distance somewhat low, if ranged and bots already went behind the target when you were close to it just briefly - step back until bots decice they are too far away from you and position themselves on your side. And you need to keep attacking the target creature, or set follow distance pretty high to not break melee bots' attack.

Mr-Deadbeat commented 2 years ago

the way i usually engage packs of mobs or if i tank is i pull the groups way back to nullify the chance they might aggro more mobs to the fight although depends on how well equipped your bots and you are and how much of a beating you can sustain

some fights you just have to adapt and overcome for example Pit of Saron on heroic is a pain with bots unless you make sure they don't do anything while you run to the safe spot inside the cave just before the final boss crappy thing is sometimes the bot healer starts healing mid run and end up dead adds some spice to say the least ;) but it's doable

although should have added controlling the range on most encounters is key sometimes they need to sit on top of you other times you can let them do what ever they want :)

Corgicorgicorgi commented 2 years ago

Ah, thanks for the explanation, that logic makes sense. I'll adapt to this playstyle.