trickerer / Trinity-Bots

NPCBots for TrinityCore and AzerothCore 3.3.5
464 stars 151 forks source link

Proper Feral Cat Priority System and Talents. #847

Open primus1002 opened 1 month ago

primus1002 commented 1 month ago



10 Minute Dummy Exhibition




Priority List

  1. If you have less than 40 Energy and Tiger's Fury is off cooldown, then cast Tiger's Fury.
  2. If Berserk is available and Tiger's Fury is on cooldown for at least 15 seconds, then cast Berserk.
  3. If you have at least 1 Combo Point and the Savage Roar buff has expired, then cast Savage Roar (pooling Energy first if needed).
  4. If your last auto-attack generated a Clearcasting proc (from Omen of Clarity), then spend the proc on Shred.
  5. If you have 5 Combo Points and the Rip debuff has expired, then cast Rip (pooling Energy first if needed).
  6. If the Rake debuff has expired, then cast Rake (pooling Energy first if needed).
  7. If the Mangle (Cat) debuff has expired, then cast Mangle (Cat) (pooling Energy first if needed).
  8. If you have enough Energy in reserve to reapply Savage Roar, Rip, Rake, and Mangle (Cat) as soon as they expire (taking into account future Energy regeneration), then cast Shred.
  9. Otherwise, pool Energy in preparation for Savage Roar, Rip, Rake, or Mangle (Cat) falling off.

TrinityCore or AzerothCore


Core rev. hash/commit

No response

Operating system

No response

khs-kks commented 1 month ago

None of the rotations are optimized, as far as I can tell. For example, Arms Warrior doesn't use Execute in a raid environment. If you have access to the files and the server is managed by you, edit the skills' logic in their corresponding files in src/server/game/AI/NpcBots/.