I'm not being able to build anymore iOS cloud build through nativescript sidekick. When installing dependencies, it always return an error
Cosmos does not specify a Swift version and none of the targets (MyAppName) integrating it have the SWIFT_VERSION attribute set. Please contact the author or set the SWIFT_VERSION attribute in at least one of the targets that integrate this pod.
I tried to local build in a macOs and I got the same error, but downgrading Cocoapods version to 1.6x worked fine. As I can't tune cloud build to use a specific cocoapod version, I'm following the suggestion of the console and I'm loging this issue here.
Hi everybody,
I'm not being able to build anymore iOS cloud build through nativescript sidekick. When installing dependencies, it always return an error
I tried the following workaround https://medium.com/@championswimmer/setting-swift-version-in-nativescript-6ece09112a46 however I didn't have any success. Actually, checking the POD file inside node_modules folder, I see it already has the same code applied setting SWIFT_VERSION to '4.0'...
I tried to local build in a macOs and I got the same error, but downgrading Cocoapods version to 1.6x worked fine. As I can't tune cloud build to use a specific cocoapod version, I'm following the suggestion of the console and I'm loging this issue here.
Windows10 NodeJs 10.13.0 npm 6.9.0 NS CLI 5.3.1