When populating the expression_feature MView I get the following error message:
WD tripal_mviews: PDOException: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 7 ERROR: value too long for type [error]
character varying(255): INSERT INTO chado.expression_feature (SELECT DISTINCT(F.feature_id) AS feature_id,
O.organism_id AS organism_id, F.uniquename AS feature_uniquename, O.common_name AS organism_common_name, (
SELECT string_agg(DXR.accession, ',') AS accession FROM feature_cvterm FC INNER JOIN cvterm CVT ON
CVT.cvterm_id = FC.cvterm_id INNER JOIN dbxref DXR ON DXR.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id WHERE
F.feature_id = FC.feature_id ) AS accession FROM feature F INNER JOIN organism O ON F.organism_id =
O.organism_id INNER JOIN element E ON E.feature_id = F.feature_id INNER JOIN elementresult ER ON
ER.element_id = E.element_id INNER JOIN quantification Q ON Q.quantification_id = ER.quantification_id INNER
JOIN acquisition AC ON AC.acquisition_id = Q.acquisition_id INNER JOIN assay A ON A.assay_id = AC.assay_id
INNER JOIN assay_biomaterial AB ON AB.assay_id = A.assay_id INNER JOIN biomaterial B ON B.biomaterial_id =
AB.biomaterial_id); Array
The problem is this part of the SQL that populates the table:
SELECT string_agg(DXR.accession, ',') AS accession FROM feature_cvterm FC
INNER JOIN cvterm CVT ON CVT.cvterm_id = FC.cvterm_id
INNER JOIN dbxref DXR ON DXR.dbxref_id = CVT.dbxref_id
WHERE F.feature_id = FC.feature_id
) AS accession
It's combining all of accession for the feature CVterms into a single list that can't exceed 225 characters. This should really be a textfield. Some of my features have a lot of annotations and this exceeds the limit.
When populating the
MView I get the following error message:The problem is this part of the SQL that populates the table:
It's combining all of accession for the feature CVterms into a single list that can't exceed 225 characters. This should really be a textfield. Some of my features have a lot of annotations and this exceeds the limit.