Seen with IObservableMap, where the binding's Import class did not provide a definition for first, which comes from IIterable transitively through IMap.
error: type 'WindowsFoundationCollections_IObservableMapBinding.String_Object.Import' does not conform to protocol 'WindowsFoundationCollections_IIterableProtocol'
25 | }
26 |
27 | private final class Import: WinRTImport<String_Object>, WindowsFoundationCollections_IObservableMapProtocol {
| `- error: type 'WindowsFoundationCollections_IObservableMapBinding.String_Object.Import' does not conform to protocol 'WindowsFoundationCollections_IIterableProtocol'
28 | public typealias K = Swift.String
29 | public typealias V = WindowsRuntime.IInspectable?
note: protocol requires function 'first()' with type '() throws -> WindowsFoundationCollections_IIterator' (aka '() throws -> any WindowsFoundationCollections_IIteratorProtocol')
14 | /// Returns an iterator for the items in the collection.
15 | /// - Returns: The iterator.
16 | func first() throws -> WindowsFoundationCollections_IIterator<T>
| `- note: protocol requires function 'first()' with type '() throws -> WindowsFoundationCollections_IIterator<Self.T>' (aka '() throws -> any WindowsFoundationCollections_IIteratorProtocol<Self.T>')
17 | }
This happens specifically with IObservableVector and IObservableMap, which do not declare their transitive IIterable base as a direct base (whereas other derived interfaces do).
Seen with
, where the binding'sImport
class did not provide a definition forfirst
, which comes fromIIterable
transitively throughIMap