troessner / reek

Code smell detector for Ruby
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Update to Parser 3.3.0 #1762

Closed bkuhlmann closed 4 months ago

bkuhlmann commented 5 months ago


Hello. :wave: Would it be possible to upgrade to Parser 3.3.0 since it's not possible to upgrade to RuboCop 1.60.0 since it requires Parser 3.3.0 or higher? Here's the error I get when updating to RuboCop 1.60.0 and attempting to use Reek 6.2.0 at the same time:

Could not find compatible versions

Because reek >= 6.1.4 depends on parser ~> 3.2.0
  and rubocop >= 1.60.0 depends on parser >=,
  reek >= 6.1.4 is incompatible with rubocop >= 1.60.0.
And because every version of caliber depends on rubocop ~> 1.60,
  reek >= 6.1.4 is incompatible with caliber >= 0.
So, because Gemfile depends on caliber >= 0
  and Gemfile depends on reek ~> 6.2,
  version solving has failed.


This should only require updating the reek.gemspec to spec.add_runtime_dependency 'parser', '~> 3.3.0'. This is related to this code review.


BrianHawley commented 5 months ago

1761 fixed this, but it still needs to be released.

bkuhlmann commented 5 months ago


Also, with RuboCop 1.60.1 out, the build failures should be able to be resolved now.

mvz commented 4 months ago

Release 6.3.0 is out now and uses Parser 3.3.x: