This project was our first chance to work as a team to develop a working application. We were able to work as a group in order to create a movie director search engine. As a group we were able to work as a team to determine who would be working through the individual pieces of the project. As a group, we decided to create a movie director search engine using the OMDB API and Wikipedia API.
We created an application that movie producers would be able to utilize in order to find/learn more about successful movie directors to hire them for upcoming projects. We utilized the OMDB API to search for movies and display movie title, rotten tomato score, genre, box office revenue and director. We then utilized the Wikipedia API to link the wikipedia pages of the director.
We displayed all of this information on the screen by using an interactive UI built through HTML, BootStrap and CSS.
To use this movie director search engine the user will search for popular movies using the search bar located on the top right of the page. Once the user searches for a movie the title, rottem tomato score, genre, box office revenue and diector will display. The user will also be provided the top 3 Wikipedia hits on the director to find more information about them. The information will be stored local storage so the user does not lose the movies they have searched for. The user will be able to close out of movies with a close button displayed on the screen.
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