tschaub / gulp-newer

Pass through newer source files only
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Compare different file set from the source file #43

Closed ltvan closed 8 years ago

ltvan commented 8 years ago

I recently come to same issue as #16, but my suggestion is a litte bit different. It should have an option so that gulp-newer can check a different file set like this:

gulp.task('less', function() {
  return gulp.src('lib/a.less')
    .pipe(newer({ src: 'lib/includes/**/*.less', dest: 'dist/a.css'))
ltvan commented 8 years ago

Sorry, it seems that I miss the option.extra. It does the work.

grigorii-horos commented 8 years ago

@ltvan @tschaub In my case it does not work

    dest: 'dest/public/css/main.css',
    extra: 'src/public/less/**'

After each run gulp, he rebuilds main.less

ltvan commented 8 years ago

You compare with wrong file: dist vs dest.

grigorii-horos commented 8 years ago

@ltvan @tschaub No, my original gulpfile.js is correct, error only in this snippet. But I found error. For example you have follow file structure


For example, you changed main.less at 00:00, and run gulp at 00:01, they build source to dest/. Mtime for dest/main.css will be not 00:01, it will be 00:00, because gulp.dest copy mtime of main.less.

And now, if you change colors.less at 00:02, and run gulp, gulp will compile source, because mtime of main.css - 00:00 is smaller than mtime of colors.less - 00:02. And if you run gulp again, it will compile sources again, because mtime of main.css - 00:00 is smaller than mtime of colors.less - 00:02 .

But, you can resolve error using gulp-touch,

      extra: [
      dest: 'dest/main.css'

Now, mtime of main.css will be bigger than mtime of main.less

ltvan commented 8 years ago

Not sure why you get this error, because in my case, the mtime of css file is always the latest at time of gulp run:

 return gulp.src(paths.lessFiles)
    .pipe(newer({ dest: paths.lessDest, ext: '.min.css', extra: paths.lessWatchFiles }))
    .pipe(autoprefixer('last 2 version'))
    .pipe(gulpif(release, cleanCss()))
    .pipe(rename({ suffix: '.min' }))