tseemann / prokka

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Prokka error message #534

Closed FCPLab007 closed 3 years ago

FCPLab007 commented 3 years ago

Hi everybody, I am trying to run Prokka but the following error message appears(Could not run command: makeblastdb -hash_index -dbtype prot -in \/cluster\/software\/prokka\/1.13.7-gompi-2019a\/db\/kingdom\/Archaea\/sprot -logfile /dev/null)

Here is my SLURM script: module load prokka/1.13.7-gompi-2019a

prokka --setupdb -i /cluster/work/users/ahmedbar/191129_M01132.Project_Petersen-DNAlibs2-2019-11-06/Contigs_and_scafolds_2/contigs_F-1year-Amox_S15.fasta -o /cluster/work/users/ahmedbar/191129_M01132.Project_Petersen-DNAlibs2-2019-11-06/CD_HIT_output

schultzm commented 3 years ago

hi @FCPLab007 , have you tried also adding the command module load blast?