tsframework / ts-framework

A Web Framework for Nodejs
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Result.ts proposals #14

Closed Paradoxis closed 8 years ago

Paradoxis commented 8 years ago

Me and @petrck were discussing the file Results.ts, which seems to be result types for controllers.

The first thing that came up was that the name was probably not optimal, renaming it to ControllerResult or ControllerResponse would be a more describing name, as it's currently not clear what it does.

Secondly there's the issue of Application being referenced in all of the methods (and only being used twice, just for the root directory of the application). Snippet:

export interface IActionResult 
    execute(Application, Response): void;

// ... FileResult, DownloadResult
var file = path.join(app.root, this.path); 

I suggest the best way to fix this is by passing the rootDirectory to every controller, and having the controller pass it on to the actionresult like so:

// Application.ts
let controller = new Controller(this.rootDirectory);

// Controller.ts
export class Controller
    public constructor(private rootDirectory: string) { ... }

// ControllerResult.ts
export class IActionResult
    execute(response: Response, rootDirectory: string);

// SomeController.ts
export class SomeController extends Controller
    public someAction(request: Request, response: Response): IActionResult
        return new SubClassOfActionResult(this.rootDirectory, response); // <-- this should probably be automatic, I never really used action results in the framework