tsingqguo / exposure-fusion-shadow-removal

We propose a new method for effective shadow removal by regarding it as an exposure fusion problem.
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test problem #32

Open Halfpoint1 opened 2 years ago

Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago

I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours.

fl82hope commented 2 years ago

Could you provide more details?

Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I used the shadow removal images you provided to calculate RMSE and got the same results as in your article. But I used the pth you provided, and run the test, and got a different RMSE. Looking forward to your answer. Thank you very much.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2021年11月18日(星期四) 下午2:34 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32)

Could you provide more details?

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fl82hope commented 2 years ago

Could you provide your python and pytorch version of testing, also the test masks are generatd by our code?

Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago

My python version is 3.7.0 and pytorch version is 1.9.1. The test masks are in the attachment.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2021年11月19日(星期五) 上午6:18 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32)

Could you provide your python and pytorch version of testing, also the test masks are generatd by our code?

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fl82hope commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I couldnot see the attachment, could you send me by email lanf@email.sc.edu.

Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago

please check

yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours.


Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32)

I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours.


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yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***> 你好,我有点疑问想请教一下您。 1.运行sh OE_eval.sh文件,生成了如下结果,90-1.png和90-1-0.png这样的图,但是图中也有阴影,看着也不像是去阴影后的图片呀? 2.就是下图中rmse都是0,刚才你有说rmse是用matlab算的,我看到那个文件了,那 sh OE_eval.sh,是有什么用呢?出的是什么的效果图呢? 关于这两个问题我不是很懂,希望您能指导一下,不胜感激。 68ebfb2ed2f8fefbad46e0f09997106

Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago

1.你可以对比一下原图,正常是去除阴影的图 2.oe_eval.sh 就是用来生成无阴影图像的

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:59 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32)

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 … ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***> 你好,我有点疑问想请教一下您。 1.运行sh OE_eval.sh文件,生成了如下结果,90-1.png和90-1-0.png这样的图,但是图中也有阴影,看着也不像是去阴影后的图片呀? 2.就是下图中rmse都是0,刚才你有说rmse是用matlab算的,我看到那个文件了,那 sh OE_eval.sh,是有什么用呢?出的是什么的效果图呢? 关于这两个问题我不是很懂,希望您能指导一下,不胜感激。

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yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

好的 谢谢您

yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***> thank you answer very much much

yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.**>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.**>; @.**@.**>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***> thank you answer very much much

您好,打扰您一下,我有些问题想请教您一下。不胜感激! 1.我按照readme,先运行compute_params.py和test_mask_generation.py,得到曝光参数和mask,选用istd数据集,目录分为train-abc和test-abc,把model先改为fusion,运行sh OE_train.sh,跑400epoch,得到.pth文件和一些验证图(一排9张的那个)再改为refine,运行sh OE_train.sh,得到.pth文件和一些图(一排4张那种),然后修改OE_eval.sh里面的超参数,改为和train.sh的一样,再把model改为refine,载入的模型为训练refine得到的最后的.pth文件(训练refine的第400个epoch得到的.pth文件),然后运行sh OE_eval.sh得到一些测试结果,例如90-1和90-o.png文件,然后用作者提供的matlab,选用test_B(istd数据集中的数据),test_C_fixed_official(istd+数据集中的数据)和刚生成的90-1.png,来算rmse.以上是我的步骤, 问题: 2.想请问您上面的步骤是否正确,就是我用的一些数据是否有问题? 3.上面步骤中,生成的mask为何没有用到呀?是不是在matlab中,test_B应该用生成的mask? 4.在matlab中,test_C_fixed_official是否是istd+数据集中的数据,因为我看名字是一样的,还是要用istd中的test_c? 5.运行sh OE_eval.sh得到一些测试结果,例如90-1和90-o.png文件,请问这两个图片有什么区别呢? 6.model改为fusion,运行sh OE_train.sh,跑400epoch,得到.pth文件,这些.pth文件后面是不是用不着了?因为运行sh OE_eval.sh,进行测试的时候,用的是Model为refine时跑出来的.pth文件。 7.我按照上面的步骤运行matlab跑出来的rmset挺大的,不知道博主你的结果是怎样的?下面两图分别是用测试结果图中,名字带o和不带o跑出来的结果。 0adaf348dcaf77270dfcce43df1ff6c cc8f97cb9dad2fab42268134e2d5374

yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

Could you provide more details?


yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>


Halfpoint1 commented 2 years ago


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月25日(星期一) 中午11:25 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32)

他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 … ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>


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yuanyufang commented 2 years ago

数据集分istd和istd+,作者用的istd+,你可以看下论文,是对istd颜色做了修正,也就是你说的test_C_fixed_official。测试的时候最好使用作者给的预训练模型。 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月25日(星期一) 中午11:25 @.>; @.**@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) 他测rmse不是用的python代码,是用的matlab的一个代码,python代码没具体实现 … ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal" @.>; 发送时间: 2022年4月21日(星期四) 晚上8:27 @.>; @.@.>; 主题: Re: [tsingqguo/exposure-fusion-shadow-removal] test problem (Issue #32) I used the ISTD+ pre-trained model you provided to test, but I got different results from yours. 请问你执行test的时候,有出现rmse为0的情况吗 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.> 请问用matlab算rmse时,如果用istd数据集,无阴影图像是放test_c还是test_C_fixed_official,这一点我不是很理解 — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.>

ok 谢谢您我明白了,就是用istd的时候用test_c ,用istd+的时候用test_C_fixed_official,论文看过了,就是运行代码的时候有点不懂,还想问下博主,model改为fusion,运行sh OE_train.sh,跑400epoch,得到.pth文件,这些.pth文件后面是不是用不着了?因为运行sh OE_eval.sh,进行测试的时候,用的是Model为refine时跑出来的.pth文件,谢谢您!