tsutterley / pyTMD

Python-based tidal prediction software
MIT License
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Enhancement idea: documentation around advanced `pyTMD.compute` params #354

Open robbibt opened 3 weeks ago

robbibt commented 3 weeks ago

I've been seeing some great new functionality added to pyTMD recently, particularly around the following pyTMD.compute.* params:

        CORRECTIONS: str | None = None,
        INFER_MINOR: bool = True,
        MINOR_CONSTITUENTS: list | None = None,
        APPEND_NODE: bool = False,
        APPLY_FLEXURE: bool = False,

However, as someone without a tide science backgorund, I don't have a great understanding of what these features do, and so am unsure of whether I should be simply using the defaults or turn on any of these features to improve the accuracy of my tide modelling.

It would be fantastic to have a page in the docs that describes these features, and provides some guidance on the advantages/limitations/reasons for using each of them for different applications. For example, important things to consider or keep in mind so that users can make an informed decision based on their use case. 🙂 I could imagine this perhaps living somethere like this:

https://pytmd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/Getting-Started.html#programs https://pytmd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/Background.html

tsutterley commented 3 weeks ago

Great great point. Definitely need to expand the documentation particularly after exposing more of these parameters. On the to-do list! Thanks @robbibt!