As the new type of mobile phone number (195****) was released last year for China mainland, the regular expression used to validate the China mainland mobile phone number should be changed accordingly.
The regular expression changes from "1740[0-5]\d{6}|1(?:[38]\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8]|9[189])\d{8}" to "1740[0-5]\d{6}|1(?:[38]\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8]|9[1589])\d{8}"
As the new type of mobile phone number (195****) was released last year for China mainland, the regular expression used to validate the China mainland mobile phone number should be changed accordingly. The regular expression changes from "1740[0-5]\d{6}|1(?:[38]\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8]|9[189])\d{8}" to "1740[0-5]\d{6}|1(?:[38]\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8]|9[1589])\d{8}"