ttdung11t2 / react-native-confirmation-code-input

A react-native component to input confirmation code for both Android and IOS
MIT License
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iPhone 11 Keyboard can't pop out #74

Open ludaqing opened 4 years ago

ludaqing commented 4 years ago

The specific code is as follows: <CodeInput ref="smscodeInput" keyboardType="numeric" codeLength={6} activeColor="rgba(247, 108, 62, 1)" inactiveColor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)" cellBorderWidth={2} compareWithCode="" autoFocus={false} codeInputStyle={styles.itemInput} onFulfill={code => this.smscodeCheck(code)} />

retyui commented 4 years ago

@aa494661239 You can use a fork without this problem

jocelin09 commented 3 years ago

just do autofocus = {true} and when you focus on your inputtextinput click Cmd+Shift+K Your keyboard will appear