Open azalpacir opened 9 months ago
I have the same problem
i was changer
// implementation(name: 'ttlock-release', ext: 'aar')
implementation 'com.ttlock:ttlock:3.3.8'
it work for me!
This only works if you do it locally, we use github actions to build and publish our code. we had to reference the file instead.
I also have the same problem
This only works if you do it locally, we use github actions to build and publish our code. we had to reference the file instead.
can you share how you solved this problem?
@leonid-br @daihieptn97
in your build.gradle make sure you include the aar file that's included in the npm module
@leonid-br @daihieptn97
in your build.gradle make sure you include the aar file that's included in the npm module
Yes, it's work only for local build. But if I try run eas build -p android --profile preview --lockal Will same error
The latest change includes the use of AAR file instead of downloading the latest release from mavencentral? This causes issues when we reference your library because it will try to look for the AAR file which only gets added if we manually add it to our build.gradle file.