tttapa / Control-Surface

Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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is there a way to test midi input? #148

Open benwadub opened 4 years ago

benwadub commented 4 years ago

hi Pieter, hope you re fine, is there a way to show midi message coming from midi din input to serial monitor with the debug interface please? i m waiting for my hex inverter to build the thru and wanted to test my input before adding the thru in a few days! thanks I tried the usbdebugmidi interface but nothing happened so I don t know if I made a mistake or if this is not possible to show these event

tttapa commented 4 years ago

You can route the MIDI data from the DIN input to the USBDebugMIDI_Interface, as shown in the MIDI Routing example.

#include <Control_Surface.h>

USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;

MIDI_Pipe pipe;

void setup() {
  midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB 

void loop() {
benwadub commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much! Another question come :-) What the difference between hardwareserialmidiîterface and serial midi interface? The sketch seems to work with both so I don t know which one to keep.

tttapa commented 4 years ago

SerialMIDI_Interface is a generic Serial interface, it works for all types of serial ports that implement the abstract Arduino Stream interface and have a begin(unsigned long) method.

HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface is a specific version of SerialMIDI_Interface that only works with HardwareSerial UARTs. On an Arduino UNO or MEGA, all Serial ports are hardware UARTs, but this is not the case on Teensy boards, Arduino Leonardo, Due, etc.
If you try HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midi = Serial; on those boards, you'll get a compilation error, because Serial is not a hardware UART but an emulated USB CDC serial port.

SoftwareSerial is another type of serial interface that works with SerialMIDI_Interface, but not with HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

thanks again for the explanation! my controller is really great using your library! 90349553_1574907059349994_4150952876446842880_o

now I try to make a synth with a raspberry but it seems to be really harder! I m still not able to put midi din it :-)

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Looks good!

It might be easier to use MIDI over USB on the Raspberry Pi. Using your Teensy 3.5 (IIRC?) this should work out of the box.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

yes it work like this, but I wanted to be able to use another midi sequencer (my electron digitakt) for sequencing that synth so I ll need to use din! for my debug on the teensy I can t find how to declare the midiser withe the software midi interface :-(

#include <Encoder.h>

// celà doit etre écrit avant la library control surface
#include <Control_Surface.h> // Inclu la library control surface téléchargeable ici en cliquant le bouton vert a droite
 USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb; // enlever les // en début de ligne pour entrer en mode debug usb et voir dans le panneau de control si vos controler envoient bien les infos
//USBMIDI_Interface usbmidi;// ecrire // devant la ligne pour desactiver l'interface usb midi
auto &serial = Serial1;// Selectionne le port série à utiliser, enlever // devant les lignes grisées pour permettre à l'arduino de lire ces lignes et remplacer seria1 par serial pour une arduino à la place de teensy

SerialMIDI_Interface<decltype(serial)> midi = {serial, MIDI_BAUD};// démarre une interface midi serial au midi baud rate par defaut

MIDI_Pipe pipe;
tttapa commented 4 years ago

for my debug on the teensy I can t find how to declare the midiser withe the software midi interface :-(

What do you mean? What doesn't work?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

You told me that for teensy I could not use hardware midi interface so I think I can t use the sketch you just gave me? I think I have to use serialmidiinterface for midiser? But don t know where ton name midiser in the sketch I gave you

tttapa commented 4 years ago

You can use HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface on Teensy, but only on the Hardware UARTs, i.e. Serial1, Serial2 etc., but not Serial.

midiser in the example is just an arbitrary name. You can call it whatever you want.

In the code you posted, you can use midi >> pipe >> midiusb;.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

ok thanks! I had fear that if I changed it I would disable something else! stil learning with you thanks! did you got the result from you're exams?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

hey but I could also use midi pipe to make MIDI Thru over usb from my midi din input with pipe am I right?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

usb debug doesn't print anything with pipe, but with usb I see event in the monitor, strange I named them with the same name and tried with both separately.

#include <Encoder.h>

// celà doit etre écrit avant la library control surface
#include <Control_Surface.h> // Inclu la library control surface téléchargeable ici en cliquant le bouton vert a droite
USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb; // enlever les // en début de ligne pour entrer en mode debug usb et voir dans le panneau de control si vos controler envoient bien les infos
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;

auto &serial = Serial1;// Selectionne le port série à utiliser
//USBMIDI_Interface midiusb;
MIDI_Pipe pipe;

// démarre une interface midi serial au midi baud rate par defaut

//vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'interfaces midi usb en enlevant les // à la ligne suivante
//USBMIDI_Interface usbmidi;

CD74HC4067 mux1 = {
  A3,       // numéro de broche de l'arduino
  {2, 3, 4, 5} // numéro de pins de l'arduino sur lesquels sont branchés tous les multiplexeurs apellés mux S0, S1, S2
Bank<2> bank2 = {-1}; // active 2 bank avec 8 adresses par bank
//démarre un multiplexeur pour 8 boutons mute
Bankable::CCButtonLatched<2> buttonmute[] = { //ces lignes déclarent le mux boutons fil rouge
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_1}},//numéro de bank correspondant/indique que le changement de bank change le canal midi (+8 car on a 8 adresses par bank)/pin sur laquelle le controleur est branché/numéro de cc/numéro de canal midi
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_2}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_3}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_4}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_5}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_6}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_7}},
  {{bank2,BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {94, CHANNEL_8}},

Bank<2> bank1 = {-8}; // 2 banks, 8 addresse per banks

CD74HC4067 mux2 = {// deuxième multiplexeur cette fois si avec 16 entrées
  A0,              // analog pin
  {2, 3, 4, 5}, // Address pins S0, S1, S2, S3
  // 7, // Optionally, specify the enable pin
//Instantiate multiplexer for 16 switch
Bankable::CCPotentiometer fx [] = {
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_1}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_2}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_3}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_4}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_5}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_6}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_7}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {83, CHANNEL_8}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_1}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_2}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_3}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_4}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_5}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_6}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_7}},
  {{bank1, BankType::CHANGE_ADDRESS},, {82, CHANNEL_8}},

Bank <2> bank3 = {8}; // 2 banks, 8 addresse per banks

  //Instantiate second multiplexer for 8 potentiometer
CD74HC4067 mux3 = {
  ,       // Analog input pin
  {2, 3, 4, 5} // Address pins S0, S1, S2};

Bankable::CCPotentiometer fader [] = { //ici on déclare les faders avec comme vu plus haut le numéro de CC et le canal
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_1}},//volume
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_2}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_3}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_4}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_5}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_6}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_7}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {7, CHANNEL_8}}, 
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_1}},//overdrive
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_2}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_3}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_4}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_5}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_6}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_7}},
  {{bank3, BankType::CHANGE_CHANNEL},, {81, CHANNEL_8}},

CCAbsoluteEncoder enc [8] = {//declare 16 encodeurs
  {{27, 26}, {85, CHANNEL_16},4, 1,},//pin de la carte/numéro de cc/canal midi/nombre de cc par detente de l'encodeur/multiplicateur de vitesse
  {{25, 24}, {88, CHANNEL_16}, 16, 4,},
  {{11, 10}, {90, CHANNEL_16}, 4, 4,},
  {{22, 23}, {91, CHANNEL_16}, 8, 4,},
  {{18, 19}, {24, CHANNEL_16}, 8, 4,},
  {{20, 21}, {25, CHANNEL_16}, 8, 4,},
  {{6, 7}, {28, CHANNEL_16}, 16, 4,},
  {{8, 9}, {29, CHANNEL_16}, 8, 4,},

  /*{{21, 22}, {24, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{28, 29}, {25, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{36, 37}, {2, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{28, 29}, {25, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{30, 31}, {26, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{32, 33}, {27, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{34, 35}, {28, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},
  {{36, 37}, {31, CHANNEL_16}, 1, 4,},


IncrementSelector<2> selectorbutton = { //déclare les boutons de changement de bank
  bank1, // banque sélectionnée, // pins sur lequel les boutons sont branchés
IncrementSelector<2> selectorbutton2 = {
  bank2, // banque sélectionnée,  // adresse du bouton
IncrementSelector<2> selectorvolume = {
  bank3, // banque sélectionnée,  

using namespace MIDI_Notes;//utilise le fichier nommé midi note dans la bibliothèque afin de ne pas à devoir écrire les note en hexadecimal

NoteButton pads[] = {
  {, {note(C, 2), CHANNEL_1}},// note c2 sur le canal midi1
  {, {note(Db, 2), CHANNEL_2}},//ne pas écrire de# mais utilisé les bémols le #ferait planter la compilation du code
  {, {note(D, 2), CHANNEL_3}},
  {, {note(Eb, 2), CHANNEL_4}},
  {, {note(E, 2), CHANNEL_5}},
  {, {note(F, 2), CHANNEL_6}},
  {, {note(Gb, 2), CHANNEL_7}},
  {, {note(G, 2), CHANNEL_8}},// Note C4 on MIDI channel 1
CD74HC4067 mux4 = {
  ,       // Analog input pin
  {2, 3, 4, 5} // Address pins S0, S1, S2};

//Instantiate multiplexer for 16 switch
CCPotentiometer filtre [] = {
  {, {74, CHANNEL_1}},//filtre freq
  {, {74, CHANNEL_2}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_3}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_4}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_5}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_6}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_7}},
  {, {74, CHANNEL_8}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_1}},//filtre reso
  {, {75, CHANNEL_2}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_3}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_4}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_5}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_6}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_7}},
  {, {75, CHANNEL_8}},
void setup() {
  Control_Surface.begin(); // initialise la library surface de control
midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB 

void loop() {

  Control_Surface.loop(); // Update the Control Surface

benwadub commented 4 years ago

Is it a bug or did I a mistake?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure.

Have you tried the simple example I posted earlier, with just the MIDI pipe?

usb debug doesn't print anything with pipe, but with usb I see event in the monitor, strange I named them with the same name and tried with both separately.

What exactly do you mean? What events do you see?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

i see thes element without debug interface, I think it s normal Capture d’écran 2020-03-28 à 21 03 24 and with the simple code nothing in the monitor too!

tttapa commented 4 years ago

What code produces these results, and what results are you expecting?

It looks like you're using a non-debug MIDI interface on Serial.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

yes these result are with the non debug interface, with the debug midi interface instead nothing is printed with the exact same code, seems that the debug midi interface doesn't print on monitor when used with pipe

tttapa commented 4 years ago

That's strange, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Are you sure you used the right code?

I tried this code on a Teensy 3.2, with a MIDI input connected to Serial1 (pins 0 and 1), and it printed the MIDI messages it received to the serial monitor without any problems.

#include <Control_Surface.h>

USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;

MIDI_Pipe pipe;

void setup() {
  // midiusb << pipe << midiser; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB
  midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB


void loop() {
benwadub commented 4 years ago

T’es it was the code I posted above :-( I ll retest when I ll have time, my second child is just born 3 days ago and is at home from few hours!

benwadub commented 4 years ago

I just think about something, with that code my pots and faders on the controller already build would sent cc to monitor or just the incoming by midi in would be written? If it the first option maybe I built a faulty midi in :-)

tttapa commented 4 years ago

T’es it was the code I posted above :-(

I'm not really sure where to start debugging then.

When you've got the time, you could try the following code: it sends two test messages every second, one to the USBDebugMIDI_Interface directly, and one as if it were coming from the HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface input.

#include <Control_Surface.h>

USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;

MIDI_Pipe pipe;

void setup() {
  midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB


Timer<millis> timer = 1000; 
ChannelMessage testmsg1 = {NOTE_ON, 0x01, 0x7F, 0x0};
ChannelMessage testmsg2 = {NOTE_ON, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x0};

void loop() {

  if (timer) { // Send a test message every second
    midiusb.send(testmsg1);             // send to USB directly
    midiser.sourceMIDItoPipe(testmsg2); // send from serial, through pipe, to USB

The expected output is something like this:

Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x01    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x02    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x01    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x02    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0

I've verified this on my Teensy 3.2. Do you get both messages, just one, or no messages at all?

I ll retest when I ll have time, my second child is just born 3 days ago and is at home from few hours!


with that code my pots and faders on the controller already build would sent cc to monitor or just the incoming by midi in would be written?

In the code you posted, the controls from your potentiometers etc. are sent to the Serial1 HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface. To send them to USB instead, you can add midiusb.setAsDefault(); to the beginning of your setup (before Control_Surface.begin()).

If it the first option maybe I built a faulty midi in :-)

That's a possible explanation.
It's not impossible that there's a problem with the library, of course, but if that were the case, I think my Teensy 3.2 should have the same problem, which isn't the case.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for all this I ll try tomorrow!!

benwadub commented 4 years ago

ok so your test is working but on my code still nothing is written

#include <Control_Surface.h>

USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;

MIDI_Pipe pipe;
CD74HC4067 mux1 = {//déclare un multiplexeur
  A3,       // numéro de broche de l'arduino
  {2, 3, 4, 5} // numéro de pins de l'arduino sur lesquels sont branchés tous les multiplexeurs apellés mux S0, S1, S2,S3
using namespace MIDI_Notes;//utilise le fichier nommé midi note dans la bibliothèque afin de ne pas à devoir écrire les note en hexadecimal

NoteButton pads[] = {//ici on déclare des boutons de declenchement de notes
  {, {note(C, 2), CHANNEL_1}},// note c2 sur le canal midi1
  {, {note(Db, 2), CHANNEL_2}},//ne pas écrire de# mais utilisé les bémols le #ferait planter la compilation du code
  {, {note(D, 2), CHANNEL_3}},
  {, {note(Eb, 2), CHANNEL_4}},
  {, {note(E, 2), CHANNEL_5}},
  {, {note(F, 2), CHANNEL_6}},
  {, {note(Gb, 2), CHANNEL_7}},
  {, {note(G, 2), CHANNEL_8}},// Note C4 on MIDI channel 1

void setup() {
  midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB 

void loop() {
```I added the midi usb set as default
tttapa commented 4 years ago

Does my test code forward the MIDI input from the HardwareSerial interface?

The reason the NoteButtons don't send anything is because there's no Control_Surface.loop() in your code.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

I had no control surface loop in the first code, I didn’t know I had to use it here, I ll try it thanks! I didn’t try midi input!

tttapa commented 4 years ago

midi.update() only handles MIDI input and routing for that specific MIDI interface. You need Control_Surface.loop() to update all MIDI elements, ExtIO, etc.

Control_Surface.loop() also updates the MIDI interfaces, so you don't really need both, just Control_Surface is enough*.

(*) This is true for the master version, in previous versions, Control_Surface.loop() only updated the default MIDI interface.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

ok so with the control surface loop I get the controller printed but not the midi in, I think I made a mistake with my midi in interface! I ll debug the hardware to see where problems come from! thanks again!

benwadub commented 4 years ago

I only used 3,3v with a 6n138, I. just looked at the prjrc schematic it seems that they use both 3,3 and 5v do you think my problem can be here or 3,3 would work?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

What schematic?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

the one found here I just try adding the 10k resistor from pin 7 of 6n138 to gnd and pin 8 to vin of the teensy but still nothing I can t find where is my problem

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Alright, let's try the Serial1 input first then:

Disconnect your MIDI input circuit from Serial1, and connect a wire from pin 10 (TX2) to pin 0 (RX1). Make sure nothing else is connected to pins 0, 1, 9 and 10.

Now you can send MIDI from Serial2, it goes through the wire to Serial1, then it's parsed, sent over the MIDI pipe to the USB interface and to the serial monitor.

#include <Control_Surface.h>

USBDebugMIDI_Interface midiusb;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface midiser = Serial1;
HardwareSerialMIDI_Interface miditest = Serial2;

MIDI_Pipe pipe;

void setup() {
  midiser >> pipe >> midiusb; // all incoming midi from serial is sent to USB


Timer<millis> timer = 1000; 
ChannelMessage testmsg1 = {NOTE_ON, 0x01, 0x7F, 0x0};
ChannelMessage testmsg2 = {NOTE_ON, 0x02, 0x7F, 0x0};
ChannelMessage testmsg3 = {NOTE_ON, 0x03, 0x7F, 0x0};

void loop() {

  if (timer) { // Send a test message every second
    midiusb.send(testmsg1);             // send to USB directly
    midiser.sourceMIDItoPipe(testmsg2); // send from serial, through pipe, to USB
    miditest.send(testmsg3);            // send from Serial2, looped to Serial1 using a wire

Expected output:

Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x01    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x02    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
Note On             Channel: 1  Data 1: 0x03    Data 2: 0x7f    Cable: 0
benwadub commented 4 years ago

this test is working nicely

tttapa commented 4 years ago

That means that there's probably a problem with your MIDI in circuit.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

yes I begin debugging hardware! I found lot of different resistor values, do you have a clear schematic somewhere for teensy 3.5 in/out/thru? please? the official midi schematic doesn'tgive resistor for 3,3 v

tttapa commented 4 years ago

You mean RD, the resistor between 3.3V and the collector of the optocoupler? It doesn't matter all that much, anything between 180Ω and 330Ω will probably work fine.

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Make sure that the polarity of the diode is correct, and that you didn't accidentally swap pins 4 and 5 on the MIDI connector. The MIDI input jack shouldn't be connected to ground.

If you've double-checked the pinout of the optocoupler, you can make sure it works by connecting an LED in series with RD, disconnecting the wire going to pin 5 of the MIDI jack and connecting it to ground (i.e. connecting pin 3 of the optocoupler to ground), disconnecting pin 4 from the MIDI jack and connecting it to 3.3V (i.e. connecting pin 2 of the optocoupler to 3.3V through RB). The LED should turn on when you connect this last connection, and off when pin 2 of the optocoupler is not connected to 3.3V.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

I used a 470ohm, like on the PJRC website explain I have to go to bed but I suspect a bad soldering between 6n138 3 and the diode! And for the midi thru I ll have to use a 47ohm like on the midi out?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

The MIDI through part is simply a copy of the MIDI out circuit, so you have to use the same resistor values. (2×220Ω for 5V, 33Ω and 10Ω for 3.3V)

benwadub commented 4 years ago

My midi out works with a 47, don t know where I found this, if that works with out it should work with thru? I make proper schematics of all my wiring each time it pass the test. I could give you them if you want to add it somewhere in the repo for the next noobs like me ;-)?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

There are some tolerances, and 47Ω is relatively small compared to the 220Ω resistor in the receiver, so it doesn't matter too much.
Feel free to post your schematics here :-)

benwadub commented 4 years ago

72ACDE06-2C64-45F0-9699-44DA690F9619 Can t find why this midi input doesn’t work! Do you have an idea how I could debug it with a multimeter by example?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

It's very hard to see what's wrong. You could measure the voltage between pins 6 and 5 of the optocoupler should be 3.3V if nothing is connected to the MIDI input.
If you connect a MIDI input, it should drop to some lower voltage during transmission. This is very hard to see on a digital multimeter, so it's probably easier to disconnect the MIDI connector, and put 3.3V across the input manually (don't leave out the 220Ω resistor or you'll blow up the optocoupler). Watch the polarity as well, ground should be connected to pin 3 of the optocoupler. This should be the anode of the external diode (the side without the mark). With 3.3V connected to the input, the output voltage between pins 6 and 5 should be close to 0, something like 200 mV.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

i have 4v between 5 and 6, I wired pin 8 to 5v volt like on the official midi schematic do you think I have to wire all vcc to 3,3?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

with all wired to 3,3v I get 3.3 between 5 and 6, when note on or note off send I get 3.2 or 3.1

tttapa commented 4 years ago

Have you tried manually driving the input as described in my previous post?

benwadub commented 4 years ago

Yes i get the 200mv as expected!

benwadub commented 4 years ago

Maybe it’s my midi thru that doesn’t work properly! I built it this way: Din pin 5 to input of hexinverter through 470 ohm and to rx Output of hexinverter to din pin 4 and vcc to 3,3v Thru is good?

tttapa commented 4 years ago

I don't understand. What are you using the MIDI through for? The RX pin of the Teensy should be connected to pin 6 of the 6N138.

benwadub commented 4 years ago

I use midi through to transfer incoming event in from midi in to the next controller via midi through