ttutisani / Xunit.Gherkin.Quick

BDD in .NET Core - using Xunit and Gherkin (compatible with both .NET Core and .NET)
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Reporting formats for test outputs #92

Open ttutisani opened 5 years ago

ttutisani commented 5 years ago

I have not received much demand for report formats for test outputs but there may be some interest (somebody asked this question on Reddit).

If you are reading this issue and want to generate test output in a certain format, please reply here and explain your needs.

All responses will be considered for future development if there is demand and if it fits in the scope of this framework.

danswain commented 4 years ago

I'm interested in this. I'd like something like PicklesDoc or maybe the cucumber report format? I'll look into more and get back on this.

I have 2 fold wants. Documentation Test run report

ttutisani commented 4 years ago

Hi @danswain

Can you please elaborate on your ask? Does this help?

FeNiX57 commented 2 years ago


We would be interested for Cucumber JSON report format to be used on XRay (JIRA Plugin) as a Cucumber Test instead of Generic Test (limitation of XRay).

This can improve our automatic BDD testing. "As long as these different flavors are able to produce a compatible Cucumber JSON report, then those results can be seen and managed in Xray."

ttutisani commented 2 years ago

Here is what I think about these formats in general: I now think that not all reporting formats belong in the framework itself. There needs to be some extensibility (maybe via Strategy or Plugin pattern) developed that will allow injecting various reporting format generators. This is a high-level idea, but in general, setting expectations for the framework.

There can be hundreds of report formats that are useful with different tools and in different scenarios, and understandably, not all of them will be natively implemented within the framework itself.

FeNiX57 commented 2 years ago

I totaly agree with you. But cucumber JSON format seems legitimate to be "natively implemented within the framework itself" as cucumber seems to be the "norm" for every tool on BDD, XGQ is even listed as semi-official cucumber implementation:

ttutisani commented 2 years ago

Agreed, that could be the case as well.

miguelius commented 2 years ago

Any chance with Allure?

Btw very cool job!