tud-hri / joan

JOAN is an software package that allows to perform human-in-the loop experiments in the open source driving simulator CARLA. JOAN facilitates communication between human input devices and CARLA, the implementation of haptic feedback, systematically storing experiment data, and the automatic execution of experiments with multiple experimental conditions.
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Combining JOAN with DReyeVR #31

Open StijnOosterlinck opened 8 months ago

StijnOosterlinck commented 8 months ago


I don't know if any of you have heard of DReyeVR, but it also extends the Carla simulator by adding virtual reality integration and several other immersion enhancements.

Since the focus of JOAN is facilitating human-in-the-loop experiments, it seems like combining these 2 projects would result in both a greater overall immersive experience while also having a more intuitive way of implementing experiments etc.

Since JOAN just takes control of the ego vehicle and let Carla do the rest, I was thinking that maybe it should also be possible to not take over the ego vehicle, but just connect to the Carla client server and set the ego vehicle to be the DReyeVR ego vehicle.

It seems to me that this would not harm the functionality of JOAN since it would then be used as an external tool to create the desired (repeatable) experiments while participants can drive in the DReyeVR car.

I wanted to compare these two platforms but since the goal of both platforms is quite different, it is difficult to choose one above the other, so combining them would seem like the ideal solution :)

Btw: I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to post this here since I'm also talking about another simulator which extends on Carla, but since the idea is quite different it's not a direct competitor I guess? If not, then just remove this issue pls, thank you!

OlgerSiebinga commented 8 months ago

I have heard of DReyeVR, but I've never used it. It sounds like this should be possible. If you're going to try it, let us know how it goes!