Open nikersch opened 10 years ago
upfront - sorry for the probably very stupid question, but I am new to grails and dont see my mistake :).
I always get a could not find grid for controller error message:
I have the following structure in my code backed by a mysql database (works normally with scaffolding) - what am I missing?
Thank you in advance!
Domain-Class Book
package grailsmysql class Book { String title String author static constraints = { title(blank: false) author(blank: false) } }
package grailsmysql import org.grails.plugin.easygrid.Easygrid @Easygrid class BookController { //def scaffold = Book static allowedMethods = [save: "POST", update: "POST", delete: "POST"] def bookGrid = { domainClass Book columns { id { type 'id' } version { type 'version' } author title } } def jqgrid(){ } }
jqgrid.gsp in Views/book/
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="layout" content="grid"> <title>JqGrid example</title> <asset:javascript src="easygrid.jqgrid.js"/> <asset:stylesheet src="easygrid.jqgrid.css"/> <r:require modules="easygrid-jqgrid-dev,export"/> </head> <body> Test Text <grid:grid id="mygrid" name="bookGrid"/> <grid:exportButton name='bookGrid'/> <asset:deferredScripts/> </body> </html>
Hi, It should be:
<grid:grid id="mygrid" name="book"/> <grid:exportButton name='book'/>
(Without the 'Grid' suffix)
upfront - sorry for the probably very stupid question, but I am new to grails and dont see my mistake :).
I always get a could not find grid for controller error message:
I have the following structure in my code backed by a mysql database (works normally with scaffolding) - what am I missing?
Thank you in advance!
Domain-Class Book
jqgrid.gsp in Views/book/