tum-vision / lsd_slam

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DebugWindow DEPTH [Not Responding] #248

Closed apesIITM closed 7 years ago

apesIITM commented 7 years ago

Hello, No errors during compilation, but no map is being generated in viewer and "DebugWindow DEPTH" is not reponding with no image. Can you point the possible cause for such behaviour? [Note: I have compiled LSD-SLAM successfully on few systems, and with catkin as well. But after making some changes I tried to run it, and since it was not running I reinstalled ros-indigo and removed catkin_ws and rosbuild_ws, re-created rosbuild_ws and followed the same steps. But now its seems like something is broken, and I am unable to figure out.] Thanks. System Info: ROS: indigo Ubuntu: 14.04 (64-bit) Opencv: 2.4.8 (with non-free also installed) OpenGL support: available

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Console Output:

ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ rosrun lsd_slam_viewer viewer & [3] 28010 ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ Started QApplication thread Started ROS thread [ INFO] [1489786144.229567227]: lsd_slam_viewer started

ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/image_raw camera_info:=/camera_info & [4] 28101 ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ [ WARN] [1489786160.168992731]: Shutdown request received. [ WARN] [1489786160.169043023]: Reason given for shutdown: [new node registered with same name] WAITING for ROS camera calibration!

[2] Done rosrun lsd_slam_core live_slam image:=/image_raw camera_info:=/camera_info ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ ajay@alpha24:~/rosbuild_ws/package_dir$ rosbag play ~/datasets/DDP/SLAM/LSD-SLAM-dataset/mono/LSD_foodcourt.bag [ INFO] [1489786176.603981357]: Opening /home/ajay/datasets/DDP/SLAM/LSD-SLAM-dataset/mono/LSD_foodcourt.bag

Waiting 0.2 seconds after advertising topics... done.

Hit space to toggle paused, or 's' to step. Received ROS Camera Calibration: fx: 257.164673, fy: 373.116455, cx: 290.454681, cy: 249.251343 @ 640x480 RECEIVED ROS camera calibration! Started mapping thread!409581246.559882 Duration: 0.076515 / 709.215081
Doing Random initialization! Started constraint search thread! Started optimization thread started image display thread!246.561805 Duration: 0.078437 / 709.215081
Done Random initialization! init done Bag Time: 1409581246.763473 Duration: 0.280106 / 709.215081
opengl support available TRACKING LOST for frame 178 (0.02% good Points, which is 80.95% of available points, DIVERGED)! Shutting down... ime: 1409581268.801458 Duration: 22.318091 / 709.215081
Exiting ROS threadme: 1409581268.961938 Duration: 22.478571 / 709.215081
[3]- Exit 1 rosrun lsd_slam_viewer viewer13 / 709.215081 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= PFA Image while running: screenshot from 2017-03-18 02 48 46

apesIITM commented 7 years ago

Hello @JakobEngel @icoderaven LSD-SLAM is compiled and run successfully. But after I make some changes and recompile, it gives above output. Can you please suggest what might be wrong. Note: Once this error appears, I am unable to compile LSD-SLAM even from scratch. I tried using ~/catkin_ws and ~/rosbuild_ws , and deleted ~/.ros folder as well.

apesIITM commented 7 years ago

BUG Fixed! I recompiled OpenCV with QT OFF, and it worked!

Gyiming commented 6 years ago

Hi apesllTM, when I tried to recompiled OpenCV with QT OFF, another bug showed: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display.

How do you recompiled OpenCV with QT OFF? Maybe I did something wrong on that. What I did is when doint cmake, I did CMAKE -D WITH_QT=off

Irenedvs commented 6 years ago

Was trying to solve a completely different issue but it magically seemed to have solved the similar Qt issue I was facing. The issue was found to be in the ImageDisplay_OpenCV.cpp file , including the details of the code change I made. File : lsd_slam/lsd_slam_core/src/IOWrapper/OpenCV/ImageDisplay_OpenCV.cpp Made changes on line 119 and 125 Changed : return cv::waitKey(milliseconds); to return 1; A catkin_make later your good to go

alexis-dupuis commented 6 years ago

Irenedvs' fixed worked for me too on Ubuntu 16.04 with ros kinetic and a catkin build environment. Thanks for saving my life on this one!

shahram95 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am facing the same issue. Could you guys tell me how to compile OPENCV with QT turned off. I am a newbie to all this.

Tsugikuni-Yoriichi commented 4 years ago

@shahram95 It is easy to do with cmake-gui. Before generate, there is a checkbox for QT. Just make sure it is off.

RENO216 commented 4 years ago

@alexis-dupuis Hi, may I know the catkin version of lsd_slam you were using? I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and ROS kinetic but Irenedvs' solution doesn't work for me. Thanks!

kanishkanarch commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am facing the same issue. Could you guys tell me how to compile OPENCV with QT turned off. I am a newbie to all this.

Hi @shahram95 , compilation of a catkin workspace requires the command 'catkin_make'. Like other Linux commands, you can pass parameters with this command. One such parameter to compile the workspace with QT off is also there and to pass it with the command catkin_make, you need to write in the terminal 'catkin_make -D WITH_QT=off'. If you want, you can see the catkin documentation here