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Replace Redis for alternate key/value server & rename "Redis" appliance #1925

Open JedMeister opened 3 months ago

JedMeister commented 3 months ago

Redis have changed their licence (see https://github.com/redis/redis/pull/13157), so we should probably change to an alternate fork.

There appear to be 2 main options - licensed differently:

Redict is LGPLv3: https://codeberg.org/redict/redict

valkey is BSD 3-clause: https://github.com/valkey-io/valkey

As we install Redis from the Debian repos, we won't need to address this until v19.0

JedMeister commented 1 week ago

FWIW at least on first appearances "Valkey" seems to be winning the "post-redis open source key-value server war".

Not that's it's necessarily the only reason to chose Valkey as the "Redis appliance" successor, but It's backed by 3 of the "big cloud" providers; AWS, Google & Oracle - plus many other big, well known companies. Staff members of those first three appear to be the core maintainers. From a long term maintenance perspective that might be the best way to go?

Redict seems to have pretty limited recent development (last commit ~2 months ago). Valkey is much more active (last commit ~7 hours ago) and ~200 more commits that Redict. Valkey has 14.5k stars here on GH. Not that all that is the be all and end all, but it seems like the better option for us.