turtlebot / turtlebot4

Turtlebot4 common packages.
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Controller failed to pair #143

Closed languyen14507 closed 11 months ago

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago


I have just moved my Turtlebot4 to a different network. I was able to set up the wifi communication with the RPi and Create@3 but could not pair the controller. These are the messages:

[bluetooth]# exit ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo bluetoothctl --agent=NoInputNoOutput Agent registered [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:BD:05:2B Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:BD:05:2B Discovering: yes [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 RSSI: -56 [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Modalias: usb:v054Cp09CCd0100 [bluetooth]# trust A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Changing A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 trust succeeded [bluetooth]# pair A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to pair with A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists [bluetooth]# pair A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to pair with A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists [bluetooth]# connect A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to connect to A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed

Please help. Thank you.

schenkch commented 1 year ago

I had a similar issue. I got it connected and paired again using this https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot4/issues/14 but I cannot get it to auto-connect any more by just pushing the home button. Every time it disconnects again, I have to remove it, and then reconnect it again using sudo bluetoothctl. Is there a way that I can get it to connect by pushing the home button again?

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

Can you try pushing the reset button on the back of the controller, then trying again?

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

I pushed the reset button, followed the suggestion by schenkch to remove the controller, then was able to re-pair and reconnect the controller. But the connection is lost quickly before I have enough time to try to undock and move the turtlebot4. I again tried this cycle (remove, re-pair and reconnect the controller) many times and every time the controller lost the connection quickly after a successful connection. Please see the screen history below

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo bluetoothctl --agent=NoInputNoOutput Agent registered [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:BD:05:2B Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# devices Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Wireless Controller Device 68:04:0A:AC:06:93 68-04-0A-AC-06-93 Device 39:12:BC:22:B3:74 39-12-BC-22-B3-74 [bluetooth]# remove A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 [DEL] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Wireless Controller Device has been removed [bluetooth]# untrust A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 not available [bluetooth]# exit ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo bluetoothctl --agent=NoInputNoOutput Agent registered [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:BD:05:2B Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:BD:05:2B Discovering: yes [CHG] Device 39:12:BC:22:B3:74 RSSI: -70 [CHG] Device 68:04:0A:AC:06:93 RSSI: -73 [CHG] Device 68:04:0A:AC:06:93 TxPower: 6 [NEW] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Wireless Controller [bluetooth]# trust A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Trusted: yes Changing A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 trust succeeded [bluetooth]# pair A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to pair with A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Connected: yes [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Modalias: usb:v054Cp05C4d0100 [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 ServicesResolved: yes [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Paired: yes Pairing successful [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 ServicesResolved: no [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Connected: no [bluetooth]# connect A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to connect to A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Connected: yes Connection successful [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 ServicesResolved: yes [NEW] Device 45:1A:06:54:25:15 45-1A-06-54-25-15 [NEW] Device 23:34:71:BC:85:6C 23-34-71-BC-85-6C [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 ServicesResolved: no [CHG] Device A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Connected: no [bluetooth]# connect A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Attempting to connect to A0:5A:5C:EC:51:07 Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed [DEL] Device 39:12:BC:22:B3:74 39-12-BC-22-B3-74 [DEL] Device 68:04:0A:AC:06:93 68-04-0A-AC-06-93 [DEL] Device 45:1A:06:54:25:15 45-1A-06-54-25-15 [DEL] Device 23:34:71:BC:85:6C 23-34-71-BC-85-6C [NEW] Device 23:34:71:BC:85:6C 23-34-71-BC-85-6C [NEW] Device 45:1A:06:54:25:15 45-1A-06-54-25-15 [bluetooth]# exit

schenkch commented 1 year ago

Yes, I tried pushing the reset button as well and can get it connected like @languyen14507 but after some time not using the controller or after reboot I have to do the same thing again and cannot get it to auto-connect to the same hardware ID with the home button any more. It seems like the ID that is recognized is different to the default ID. I tried connecting to the default ID but it is not available. How can I change the default contoller ID?

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo bluetoothctl Agent registered [CHG] Controller E4:5F:01:CE:5D:25 Pairable: yes [bluetooth]# devices Device A0:5A:5C:F6:F6:8E Wireless Controller

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to dock/undock the Turtlebot4 using the computer keyboard with "ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard"? I use the Turtlebot4 for demos a lot so this would be a great backup whenever the controller acts up. Thank you so much.

tschinfra commented 1 year ago

Hey there i have the same issue like @languyen14507 and @schenkch. But with the difference that the controller is disconnected immediately after it was connected. I followed the steps in the documentation and also tried resetting the controller als well as #14. Are there any additional steps one could try?

Initially i wanted to update the robot from Galactic to Humble and noticed that the controller wasn't connected anymore (after successfully updating). Could this have something to do with it?

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to dock/undock the Turtlebot4 using the computer keyboard with "ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard"? I use the Turtlebot4 for demos a lot so this would be a great backup whenever the controller acts up. Thank you so much.

@languyen14507 The dock/undock feature is a ros2 action. You can perform it from CLI by calling ros2 action send_goal /dock irobot_create_msgs/action/Dock {} or ros2 action send_goal /undock irobot_create_msgs/action/Undock {} . Additionally the turtlebot4 node maps a short press of Create 3 button 1 to the dock action, and a short press of button 2 to the undock action.

Regarding the controller issues, I will try to recreate it and find a fix. I would also recommend making sure that the controllers are fully charged just in case.

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

Hello Roni, I have run into another problem. In order to communicate with the Turtlebot 4 from my PC via a wifi router, does the router have to also be accessible to the internet? I changed my network environment from one where the router has the internet to one where the router does not have the internet (due to the university security requirements). In the network where the router has the internet access, everything works fine, I can connect the controller, undock the turtlebot and drive it around. In the network where the router does not have the internet access, I cannot undock the turtlebot with the controller or with the "ros2 action send_goal undock ..." command. I can ssh to the RPi and connect to the Create@3 but nothing else would work. Please help, I am scheduled to have a demo very soon. Thank you so much.

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

@languyen14507 Its possible that not being connected to the internet is causing some issues with synchronising time between the RPi4 and Create 3. Can you check the date and time on the RPi4 by SSH'ing in and calling date, and on the Create3 by looking at the logs on the webserver?

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

@roni-kreinin I haven't been able to check the synchronising time between the RPi4 and Create@3 yet because I tried to reboot the Turtlebot 4 but could not. I removed the turtlebot from dock, pressed and held the power button, the light flashed 3 times but stayed on and the turtlebot did not shutdown. I repeated this process many times and could not power off the turtlebot. Sometimes, the light would go off a few seconds after flashing 3 times then it comes right back without any sound. Sometimes there is a sound but the turtlebot would not power off. Is there another way to force the Turtlebot 4 to power off without having to wait until the battery is completely drained?

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

@languyen14507 If you press and hold the power button for 20-30s it will perform a full reboot on the Create 3 which should fix that issue.

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

@roni-kreinin Here are the times from RPi4 and Create@3. The RPi4 date is a year and six days back and I don't see the year on the Create@3 date.

On RPi4: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ date Thu 21 Apr 2022 07:03:46 PM UTC

On Create@3: Apr 27 01:47:33 iRobot-02D154EDE40449C5845F2263ADB1EFA0 user.notice create-platform: 1682560053.954181 [0] tev: ddsi_udp_conn_write to udp/ failed with retcode -1

So it looks like they don't have a synchronized time. Would this be the cause for me not able to undock the Turtlebot 4 with the controller and what do I need to do to fix it? Thanks.

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

@roni-kreinin Please let me know if it's possible to operate Turtlebot 4 with a router that does not have internet access. Thank you.

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

It is possible. You will need to either use your PC as a time sync source for the RPi, or manually set the time on the RPi.

To manually set time, call sudo timedatectl set-ntp false then sudo timedatectl set-time '2015-11-20 16:14:50' with the correct date/time.

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

@roni-kreinin I did reset the time on the RPi to within a few seconds of the Create@3's as shown in the screen shot below. I also got the controller connected but still could not undock or move the Turtlebot 4. There appear to be some error messages in orange and red color on the Create@3 login screen. Could you please tell me what is still wrong? Thanks. Screenshot from 2023-05-01 18-23-30

roni-kreinin commented 1 year ago

Can you try configuring your turtlebot4 to use the discovery server as instructed here? It seems that the Create 3 is having issues connecting to your new network. With the discovery server, only the RPi4 needs to connect to Wi-Fi.

schenkch commented 1 year ago

Are there any news on the issue that the controller has to be connected manually any more and is not connected automatically any more by pushing the home button? Also, I noticed that when pushing the home button to send it back to its base it moves a little bit but does not go back to home unless it is very close to it. Are these two issues related or any idea what could be the fix for this?

tschinfra commented 1 year ago

I have a little update to the controller issue @schenkch @roni-kreinin.

Several times now i tried to connect the original controller to the TB4 but without success. Then I tried connecting a Playstation 4 controller and it worked right away! I was following the standard procedure as mentioned here.

So there could be an issue regarding the original controller the TB4 comes with...

languyen14507 commented 1 year ago

@roni-kreinin The process of reconfiguring the Turtlebot 4 to use the discovery server is somewhat complicated so I would like to try using our university private WiFi network to run Turtlebot 4 first since it does have internet. After logging into RPi via AP mode, if I "sudo wifi.sh -s 'PRIVATE_WIFI' -p 'password' -r US && sudo reboot", will an IP address be assigned to the RPi and be displayed on the LED? If for some reason, this does not happen and/or I no longer able to ssh into the RPi, how can I get the RPi back into AP mode? Thanks.

hilary-luo commented 11 months ago

This issue is being closed due to inactivity. If you are still experiencing the issue, feel free to reopen this ticket when you are ready to continue the troubleshooting process.